If you are confused about picking the right skin to land the most stylish Blitzcrank hook, this is the place for you.
League of Legends support champions usually fall under 3 categories – Hook/Catch, Utility, and Poke. Blitzcrank is the embodiment of the first category since his Q is literally synonymous with hook. A good Blitzcrank can easily take over the game, as a good catch usually results in a certain death in crucial team fights.
Despite being one of the most oppressive champions in the bot lane, Blitzcrank’s gameplay is fairly simple. Yet, he is one of the most loved champions for his adorable design and concept. Naturally, his popularity paved the way for the creation of many interesting skins. Each skin has something new to offer and is worth buying depending on what you like.
Still, it’s worth taking a somewhat comparative approach to determine which skins stand out the most. In this article, I will be trying to use a standardized approach along with my subjective views to rank all the Blitzcrank skins.
15. Rusty Blitzcrank

- Release Date: November 20, 2009
- Price: 520 RP (Not Available)
- Chroma: No
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
This is one of the very first League of Legends skins, and the age in it couldn’t be shown more clearly. Rusty Blitzcrank is just as the name suggests – rusty. Being a skin from 2009, it has no additional VFX/SFX or fancy animation. Just a cheap-looking version of the base skin.
14. Goalkeeper Blitzcrank

- Release Date: June 24, 2010
- Price: 520 RP (Legacy)
- Chroma: No
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
Another cheap design for 520 RP skin. Just like the previous one, this skin doesn’t offer anything beyond a new T-shirt on Blitzcrank. The model here kind of looks even worse than the default one. The only reason it’s one rank above is due to its ties with Riot Games logo, which, now in 2023, is a nice throwback to their past.
13. Riot Blitzcrank

- Release Date: October 21, 2013
- Price: 975 RP (Legacy)
- Chroma: No
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New VFX
- New SFX
- New Animation
- New Recall
For a 975 RP skin, it provides us with new particles, sound and animation. The splash art also looks pretty electric. The emergency light on his head is a pretty nice addition to the skin. The movement in-game with this skin’s model feels very smooth as well. This is a clear step up in terms of raw skills involved in the skin’s design.
12. Boom Boom Blitzcrank

- Release Date: August 29, 2010
- Price: 520 RP
- Chroma: No
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
This is a rare example of a 520 RP-priced skin that doesn’t look half bad. Unlike looking like a cheap recoloring of the base skin, Boom Boom Blitzcrank gets a completely new appearance with the boxing gloves and belt. His metal body also looks very unique. Yet, the skin falls short in the technical department, with no new visual or sound enhancement.
11. Definitely Not Blitzcrank

- Release Date: October 19, 2011
- Price: 975 RP (Legacy)
- Chroma: No
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
This skin does not have any new VFX, SFX, or animation. The only thing going well for this is the concept behind it. ‘Definitely not’ is a skin line that’s supposed to make the champions look radically different from their base looks except comically revealing who they are anyway. Definitely Not Blitzcrank perfectly captures that essence. Despite his arduous attempt to hide himself using an anonymous mask and mustache, we can clearly see through our beloved robot. And for that alone, this skin deserves to be in a relatively higher position considering its price point.
10. Piltover Customs Blitzcrank

- Release Date: March 07, 2011
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: No
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New VFX
- New SFX
- New Animation
This was a hard-to-rank skin for 2 contrasting reasons. On the one hand, you have this very fun concept of a ‘mini-car’ going around with it that fits perfectly with Blitzcrank’s automation theme. Moreover, him being an enforcer of Piltover is a wholesome story to embody in a skin. But on the other hand, this skin is categorized as ‘Epic’ tier. Unfortunately, the bar for Epic skins has reached much higher due to the technical excellence Riot has reached recently. Piltover Customs Blitzcrank, hence, despite having really fun and comical music and VFX, falls short due to its age.
9. Beezcrank
- Release Date: November 22, 2023
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: 8 different chromas available
Each of the chromas, other than Ruby, which is obtainable only with the bundle, can be individually purchased for 290 RP each.
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New VFX
- New SFX
- New Animation
- New Recall
Bee-themed skins are usually very well-received. However, Beezcrank somehow doesn’t feel right, and it’s hard to identify where it went wrong. For all intents and purposes, the skin perfectly encapsulates bee and honey elements. You even honey-comb bee-hand and bee wings. However, Blitzcrank’s core design doesn’t blend well into this concept, at least for me. Still, when it comes to fun animation, particle, and sound effects, this skin does look good in-game.
8. Victorious Blitzcrank

- Release Date: November 16, 2021
- Price: N/A (Rank Reward)
- Chroma: Yes (Depending on Rank)
These chromas are not purchasable. They were given by Riot Games to players based on their earned ranks in either Flex or Solo/Duo, each mode having different chromas for each rank Gold and above.
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New VFX
- New SFX
- New Animation
- New Recall
Victorious skins are a hit or miss. And I don’t say that because it depends on you hitting a certain rank to get it. Victorious skins, in their concept, are supposed to reward the players for their year-long hard grind. Yet, some of the victorious skins, such as Aatrox’s one, look very cheaply made. For Blitzcrank, however, Riot did not disappoint. Just from the splash art, you can notice just how pristine the design is. The colors, background details, model design, animation – everything is decent. Although it is worth mentioning, it still doesn’t have quite the distinctive features to make it stand out.
7. Zenith Games Blitzcrank
- Release Date: September 8, 2022.
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: 8 different chromas available
Each of the chromas, other than Ruby, which is obtainable only with the bundle, can be individually purchased for 290 RP each.
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New VFX
- New SFX
- New Animation
- New Recall
Zenith Games Blitzcrank is reimagined as Blitz being a referee in a futuristic sport. It is one of his underrated skins, in my opinion. The skin has cool visual effects and animation. Yet, it is not very popular because of the lack of a distinctive concept. Even Rusty Blitzcrank has a unique identity due to symbolizing something new. But a sports-themed bot is a concept that exists already in the form of Goalkeeper Blitzcrank. That’s why this skin is in a weird spot.
6. iBlitzcrank

- Release Date: March 01, 2013
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: No
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New VFX
- New SFX
Now, this is one of my favorite Blitzcrank skins. The one big thing about this skin is it reminds me instantly of EVE from WALL-E. Although I am not sure if it truly was inspired from there, still the Program or Android theme skins, in general, are really cool. Among them, Blitzcrank takes the cake for its astoundingly clean look.
You can see how, despite being a decade-old skin, it looks so modern. It has new VFX and SFX to give it a distinct feel. Even though it doesn’t have new animations or recall, just the sheer model design of it, in my opinion, was ahead of its time. So much so, that it is ahead in the ranking as well relative to some more recent skins.
5. Lancer Rogue Blitzcrank

- Release Date: November 16, 2017
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: No
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New VFX
- New SFX
- New Animation
- New Recall
- New Quotes
- Voice Filter
Lancer Rogue is sort of like an ‘evil’ version of the Lancer Paragon Blitzcrank. Instead of having a guardian knight role, Rogue Blitzcrank causes mayhem with his thirst for destruction. When it comes to technical aspects, both the Lancer skins are quite identical as they have VFX/SFX, animation, and Voice filters of the same quality. In the end, it’s up to your personal preference as to which one you find more appealing.
4. Lancer Paragon Blitzcrank

- Release Date: November 16, 2017
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: No
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New VFX
- New SFX
- New Animation
- New Recall
- New Quotes
- Voice Filter
Both Lancer Rogue and Paragon Blitzcrank used to be two of his best skins before the very modern skins came. Both skins have a pristine look with neat coloring and VFX/SFX. I personally really like the drilling animation on recall. Most people prefer the Rogue skin for its dark color, but I think the Paragon one has a more distinct look. The addition of new quotes and voice filters makes the epic skins more valuable. Although these skins were criticized a lot for Riot’s artistic decision to keep the ‘walking’ animation instead of floating, they are still a great buy for their technical splendor.
3. Battle Boss Blitzcrank

- Release Date: August 19, 2015
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: Yes (8 Different Chromas Available)
Each chroma can be purchased for 290 RP, or you can get them from Emporium for 2000 Blue Essence each.
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New VFX
- New SFX
- New Animation
- New Recall
Battle Boss Blitzcrank is a fan-favorite skin, much like the entire Arcade lineup. The gamey vibe the skin exudes is very pulling to the nostalgic mind. This Blitzcrank skin is reimagined as one of the arcade bosses trying to stop our heroes. The in-game model looks amazing with almost his entire body made up of gaming console parts. All the visual and sound effects are very coherent with the theme, too, making this one of his best skins in the game.
2. Witch’s Brew Blitzcrank

- Release Date: October 24, 2019
- Price: 1350 RP (Legacy)
- Chroma: Yes (6 different chromas available)
Being a legacy skin, the chromas are not purchasable in the store normally. Usually, you have to wait for a certain event or bundle purchases to get them.
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New VFX
- New SFX
- New Animation
- New Recall
Being a Halloween-themed skin, Witch’s Brew Blitzcrank is an incredible mixture of two distinctly contrasting themes: Automation and Dark Magic. The creativity in the concept is very clearly reflected in how good the skin looks. It strikes the right balance between spooky and fun, the latter coming from Blitzcrank’s adorable personality. The fact that he is a witch’s cauldron that somehow comes to life and spills the potion inside whenever he walks is fantastic. Thematic consistency with amazing visual and sound effects and animation makes it one of the freshest Blitzcrank skins.
1. Space Groove Blitz & Crank

- Release Date: April 01, 2021
- Price: 1820 RP
- Chroma: Yes (6 Different Chromas Available)
Among the 6 chromas, Ruby can only be acquired with the bundle. The disco chroma is limited to hextech-crafting during certain events. All the rest of the 4 chromas can be individually purchased for 290 RP each or through the Emporium shop using 2000 Blue Essence.
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New VFX
- New SFX
- New Animation
- New Recall
- New Voice
Space Groove Blitz & Crank is not only the best Blitzcrank skin but also one of the best skins in the game. The colorful designs, the fun VFX/SFX, and the groovy animations all make you dance with childlike joy. It is evident from the design that the creator of the skin poured their entire heart into its design. Using cute kittens to drive a space mech is a very creative idea in and of itself. The vibrant and fun colors used make it a visual treat to look at. Space Groove Blitzcrank excels on all technical grounds thanks to its amazing consistency in displaying pure, unadulterated joy, making it Blitzcrank’s finest skin to date.