Since Wild Rift Patch 4.4c has arrived, here are all of the included changes and additions.
Even though we got fewer major updates, we got some of the most significant updates in Wild Rift this year. And as 4.4 is the last update that we are getting in 2024, it was one of the most influential ones compared to prior updates.
In terms of champions, we are getting new ones. They are Fiddlesticks, Sivir, and Zyra. Moreover, Zyra is getting some visual improvement over the PC version. We also got some reworks, new mage items, runes adjustments, etc.
In patch 4.4a, we got the long-anticipated Arena game mode from PC. Additionally, this game mode recently returned to PC as well with new cameos and augments. Afterward, in patch 4.4b, Sivir was officially released publicly for everyone to enjoy.
With the newest patch, we are getting many new things in Wild Rift. Some of the notable ones are new champion Zyra, new Wild Pass, ARURF, and tons more. Additionally, we are getting a lot of champion and item adjustments. So here’s all of them.
Read more: How To Get Glorious Armada Olaf In Wild Rift.
Wild Rift: Patch 4.4c Notes
Champion Buffs
Since the start of patch 4.4, marksman has not been in a good position. Due to it, in prior patches, Riot buffed Kraken Slayer and many other ADCs. And one of these weak ADC champions getting a buff is Ashe.
- Ranger’s Focus
- Attack speed increase: 25/35/45/55% >>> 30/40/50/60%
- Flurry damage: 115/120/125/130% Attack Damage >>> 120/125/130/135% Attack Damage
Gwen has been one of the most inconsistent champions in the game. In some games, it feels like she is the strongest champion, and in others, she is the weakest regardless of items and role. So, she is getting some much-needed buffs.
- Snip Snip!
- Snip damage: 12/16/20/24 + 5% Ability Power >>> 14/18/22/26 + 6% Ability Power
- Damage of the last snip: 60/80/100/120 + 25% Ability Power >>> 70/90/110/130 + 30% Ability Power
Master Yi
Even after the first clear, Master Yi has some of the slowest jungle clears in the game. With the damage buffs, we can expect him to finish his clear faster and gank more efficiently.
- Wuju Style
- True Damage: 30/40/50/60 + 25% bonus Attack Damage >>> 35/45/55/65 + 30% bonus Attack Damage
Similar to Galio in the last patch, Nautilus has also gotten far squishier over the patches. So Riot is buffing his shield.
- Titan’s Wrath
- Cooldown: Max level 12s >>> Max level 11s
- Shield: 55/65/75/85 + 10/11/12/13% maximum Health >>> 55/65/75/85 + 11/12/13/14% maximum Health
As stated before, ADCs are extremely weak currently. And the other marksman getting a much-needed buff is Varus.
- Piercing Arrow
- Damage: 10/60/110/160 + 110% Attack Damage to 15/90/165/240 + 165% Attack Damage >>> 20/70/120/170 + 115% Attack Damage to 30/105/180/255 + 172.5% Attack Damage
- Blighted Quiver
- Detonation damage: each stack (4/4.5/5/5.5 + 1% Ability Power)% maximum Health of target >>> each stack (5/5.5/6/6.5+1% Ability Power)% maximum Health of target
Xin Zhao
Even though Xin Zhao is very competent in the early game, in the late game, he falls off drastically. With these buffs, we are going to see even more Xin Zhao actually hold off on their own without any help.
- Attack Damage per level: 3.6 >>> 4.5
- Slash damage: 50/60/70/80 + 40% Attack Damage >>> 50/60/70/80 + 50% Attack Damage
- Thrust damage: 40/85/130/175 + 70% Attack Damage >>> 40/85/130/175 + 80% Attack Damage
- Attack speed increase: 40/45/50/55% >>> 40/47.5/55/62.5%
Players have recently been flexing Yone in not only solo lanes but also in the jungle. So Riot is giving Yone some jungle-specific buffs to make him a viable jungler.
- Base armor: 35 >>> 40
- [New] Damage to monsters: 80%
- Damage: 10/20/30/40 + 12/13/14/15% maximum Health of target >>> 25/35/45/55 + 12/13/14/15% maximum Health of target
- Base shield: 30 + 70% bonus Attack Damage >>> 50 + 85% bonus Attack Damage
Champion Nerfs
Unintentionally, Fizz has become a strong jungler recently, even though his mid-lane stat is still average. To fix it, Riot has nerfed the monster damage from his abilities.
- Seastone Trident
- Damage to monsters: 105% >>> 90%
Since Sivir is a new champion, expectedly, she would be overturned compared to other champions. So, these nerfs should help balance the game.
- Ricochet
- Bounce damage: 24/26/28/30% >>> 22/24/26/28%
- On the hunt
- Cooldown reduction for basic abilities: 30/35/40% >>> 20/25/30%
- Initial bonus movement speed: 20/20/20% >>> 15/15/15%
- Bonus movement speed at 8 stacks of Unyielding Valor: 30/30/30% >>> 25/25/25%
Item Changes
Solari Chargeblade
- Base stats
- Price: 3100g >>> 3000g
- Sunburst
- Deal 38-80 bonus magic damage by consuming a stack >>> Deal 50-92 bonus magic damage by consuming a stack
Wild Rift Patch 4.4c: New Skins
Dragonslayer Kayle
- Rarity: Epic
- Price: 590 Wild Cores (Wild Pass)
- Release Date: December 15, 2023
Coven Evelynn
- Rarity: Epic
- Price: 990 Wild Cores
- Release Date: December 22, 2023
Coven Zyra
- Rarity: Epic
- Price: 990 Wild Cores
- Release Date: December 22, 2023