Here is the complete solution to the Upper City Chakram puzzle in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown.
While traveling through Mount Qaf to rescue the Prince, you must get past several puzzles to progress on your adventure in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. While some puzzles may be easy to solve, few are very challenging and might require the players to complete several steps timely.
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One such puzzle is the Upper City Chakram Puzzle, which you will find while traveling through the Upper City. This puzzle requires you to tweak around with a few gears and lion statues. Solving the puzzle involves creativity and understanding the game’s movement mechanics and weapons. This guide will look at the Upper City Chakram puzzle solved in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown.
Upper City Chakram Puzzle Solution
While chasing Anahita through the Upper City, you will find the puzzle that presents you with some platforms, gears, and levers. Here is the detailed solution of the puzzle:
The first step of solving the puzzle is to shoot your Chakram into the round gear just above the two lion statues. The Chakram is the alternate version of the Menolias Bow that you can unlock from the Hyrcanian Forest area. After placing the Chakram in the gear, the two lions will move away from each other.

Now, head towards the left side of the room, climb the wall, and reach for the blue pole attached to the lion statue. From there, jump to the platform just above the pole.

From the first platform, continue to jump on the wall and reach the upper ground above the platform.

Now recall your Chakram and shoot it on the second gear above the platform. This will bring the platform down and the statues close to each other once again. Now, come down from the platform and dash to reach the pole attached to the statue.

Jump on the wall to the left and perform a mid-air dash to reach the platform above the two lion statues. Pull the lever, and it will take the platform upwards.

Proceed towards the second platform on the right side, which will take you to the top, and complete the puzzle.

This is all for the Upper City Chakram puzzle solved in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown.
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