Patch 14.14 is coming soon to LoL as the Summer Event hits the game.
Riot is bringing a new event to League of Legends in patch 14.14. This event will contain a two-part skin release of Anima Squad while also bringing the Swarm game mode. Along with that, there will be more changes to champions and systems.
As this is an early patch note, all we know so far is what is on PBE. Thus, here are all the known changes coming to Patch 14.14.
Note: This patch note was updated on July 10, 2024.
Read More: LoL Admiral Battle Bunny Miss Fortune Capsule Milestone Details
Release Date
League of Legends Patch 14.14 is expected to be released on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.
LoL Patch 14.14 release time and server maintenance:
- NA: 3:00 AM PT
- EUW: 5:00 UK time
- EUNE: 3:00 CET
Aurora – The Witch Between Worlds
In Patch 14.14, Riot will be releasing their 168th champion, Aurora. Designed as a mage for solo lanes, Aurora has a lot of movement in her kit while doing a ton of damage. She has two forms, Normal Mode and Spirit Mode, which increase her ability effects. Here is her entire kit.
Passive – Spirit Abjuration
Aurora’s damaging Abilities and Basic Attacks apply a stack of Spirit Abjuration to enemies for 4 seconds. The timer refreshes on subsequent applications, and Spirit Abjuration stacks up to 3 times.
The third stack against a target consumes them to deal Bonus Magic Damage equal to 6% (+ 1.5% per 100 AP) of the target’s Maximum Health. This is capped at 300 against Monsters.
Upon consuming the stacks from a champion, Aurora not only deals Damage but also exorcises champions and enters Spirit Mode for 4 seconds, freeing a Spirit that follows her for the same duration. Subsequent exorcisms refresh the duration for both effects and freeing more Spirits.
Spirit Mode: Aurora Heals herself for 5 – 22 (based on level)(+ 2.5% AP) every second and gain 5 – 10% (based on level)(+ 3% per 100 AP)(+ 5 – 20% based on active Spirits) Bonus Movement Speed.
Q – Twofold Hex
Active: Aurora fires a bolt of energy in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit and marks them for 3.5 seconds.
Twofold Hex can be recast after 0.5 seconds after marking at least one target.
Recast: Aurora triggers all the marks and draws Spiritual Energy back from the marked targets as bolts that each deal magic damage to all enemies they pass through, reduced to 50% against Minions and Monsters. This damage is also increased by 0 – 50% (based on the target’s Missing Health). Subsequent bolts against an enemy deal 20% damage
- Mana Cost: 60.
- Cooldown: 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds.
- Cast Time: 0.25 (for active)/None (for recast).
- Range: 850.
- Missile Width: 210 (for active)/90 (for recast)
- Missile Speed: 1600 (for active)/2000 (for recast).
- Active Damage: 40/65/90/115/140 (+ 40% AP).
- Recast Damage:
- Minimum Damage: 40/65/90/115/140 (+ 40% AP).
- Maximum Magic Damage: 60/97.5/135/172.5/210 (+ 60% AP).
- Subsequent Bolt Damage:
- Minimum Damage: 8/13/18/23/28 (+ 8% AP).
- Maximum Damage: 12/19.5/27/34.5/42 (+ 42% AP).
W – Across The Veil
Active: Aurora hops in the target direction inside a portal to the Spirit Realm. Upon completing the dash, she becomes Invisible for a duration and enters Spirit Mode for 4 seconds. Attacking or casting abilities ends the stealth immediately.
Scoring a Takedown against an enemy champion within 3 seconds of damaging them resets Across the Veil’s cooldown.
- Mana Cost: 80.
- Cooldown: 20/19/18/17/16 seconds.
- Cast Time: None.
- Range: 300/450 (increased dash along terrain).
- Missile Speed: 350.
- Invisibility Duration: 1/1.15/1.3/1.45/1.6 seconds.
E – The Weirding
Active: Aurora blasts energy in a line in the target direction and recoils backward 250 units. The blast deals magic damage to enemies hit and Slows them by 80% for 1 second, decaying after 0.15 seconds.
- Mana Cost: 80.
- Cooldown: 15/14/13/12/11 seconds.
- Cast Time: 0.35 seconds.
- Range: 800.
- Missile Width: 175.
- Magic Damage: 70/110/150/190/230 (+ 80% AP).
R – Between Worlds
Active: Aurora leaps in the target direction with Displacement Immunity while unleashing a pulse of energy at a set location in front of her, both over 0.5 seconds. She then enters Spirit Mode for 4 seconds, and the pulse expands in a radius from the location over the next 0.75 seconds, dealing magic damage to enemies hit and Slowing them by 30% for 2 seconds. Once the pulse has fully expanded, it manifests a circular rift in the Spirit Realm for a duration.
While Aurora is inside the rift, she doubles the Bonus Movement Speed granted by Spirit Mode.
Aurora and enemies within the rift are trapped inside. If Aurora collided with the border, she would dash to the diametrically opposite side of the rift over 0.4 seconds, becoming Untargetable and Unable to Act during the travel. If an enemy collides with the border, they are Knocked Back 75 units away from it and are Slowed for 75% for 1.5 seconds.
Between Worlds can be recast after 1 second of unleashing the pulse.
Recast: Aurora closes the rift prematurely.
Enemies that collide with the border from the outside of the rift will also be pulled inside of it over 75 units and applied the same Slow.
Champion Buffs
A few solid buffs are being rolled out, particularly to Aphelios and Cho’Gath. Here are all of them.
Riot is adjusting a bunch of his Weapon activation damages in hopes that Aphelios finds a more stable point in the game.
- Q – Weapons of the Faithful:
- Severum, The Scythe Pistol:
- Onslaught Damage: 10 – 40 (based on level) [+ 20 – 35% AD (based on level)] >>> 10 – 40 (based on level) [+ 22 – 40% AD (based on level)].
- Gravitum, The Gravity Cannon:
- Binding Eclipse Damage: 50 -110 (based on level) [+ 26 – 35% AD (based on level)] >>> 50 – 140 (based on level) [+ 32 – 50% AD (based on level)].
- Crescendum, The Chakram:
- Sentry Damage: 31 – 100 (based on level) [+ 40 – 60% AD (based on level)] >>> 35 – 125 (based on level) [+ 42 – 60% AD (based on level)].
- Severum, The Scythe Pistol:
There are some damage buffs coming to Cho’Gath that will help him in lane and in fights.
- Q – Rupture:
- Damage: 80/140/200/260/320 (+ 100% AP) >>> 80/145/210/275/340 (+ 100% AP).
- E – Vorpal Spikes:
- Damage: 22/37/52/67/82 (+ 30% AP)[+ 3% (+ 0.5% per Feast Stack) of target’s Maximum Health] >>> 20/40/60/80/100 (+ 30% AP)[+ 3% (+ 0.5% per Feast Stack) of target’s Maximum Health].
Ranged Jayce is getting a small buff to deal more poke damage from afar.
- Cannon Form:
- Q – Shock Blast:
- Damage: 55/110/165/220/275/330 (+ 120% Bonus AD) >>> 60/115/170/222/280/335 (+ 125% Bonus AD).
- Q – Shock Blast:
A champion like Sion likes to go up in everyone’s faces. So Riot is improving his W damage to dish out more damage in the thick of things.
- W – Soul Furnace:
- Damage: 40/65/90/115/140 (+ 10/11/12/13/14% of target’s Maximum Health) >>> 40/65/90/115/140 (+ 14% of target’s Maximum Health).
Just a small buff to Smolder’s base Q damage for waveclear and teamfight output.
- Q – Super Scorcher Breath:
- Damage: 15/25/35/45/55 (+ 100% AD)(+ 15% AP) >>> 20/30/40/50/60 (+ 100% AD)(+ 15% AP).
Riot is making Teemo go into stealth a little faster.
- Passive – Guerilla Warfare:
- Stealth timer is slightly faster.
As Zed is reliant on his burst damage, Riot has always tried to give him tools to do more damage with more leniency. Thus, Riot is giving a higher refund for his Shadows via E and more Shuriken Damage.
- Q – Razor Shuriken:
- Damage: 70/105/140/175/210 (+ 110% Bonus AD) >>> 80/115/150/185/220 (+ 110% Bonus AD).
- E – Shadow Slash:
- Living Shadow Refund: 2 seconds >>> 3 seconds.
Champion Nerfs
There are a lot of nerfs, but it’s mostly small nerfs and not huge swings at a champion. Here they all are.
Riot is fiddling with Bel’Veth’s attack range as her normal attack range is getting reduced while the Ultimate enhanced attack range is increased.
- Base Stats:
- Attack Range: 175 >>> 150.
- R – Endless Banquet:
- Bonus Attack Range: 50 >>> 75.
Small nerfs are coming to Damage and Cooldown for Brand’s E.
- E – Conflagration:
- Damage: 60/85/110/135/160 (+ 60% AP) >>> 55/80/105/130/155 (+ 60% AP).
- Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8 seconds >>> 13/12/11/10/9 seconds.
Riot is dinging Corki’s Base Health a little to have less sustain in lane.
- Base Stats:
- Health: 640 >>> 610.
Jax’s E is getting nerfed with getting a higher cooldown at earlier ranks.
- E – Counter Strike:
- Cooldown: 15/13.5/12/10.5/9 seconds >>> 17/15/13/11/9 seconds.
Some nerfs are coming as the Base Attack Speed is being reduced while the AD Ratio on Kindred’s Q is reduced.
- Base Stats:
- Attack Speed: 35% >>> 30%.
- Q – Dance of Arrows:
- Damage: 40/65/90/115/140 (+ 75% Bonus AD) >>> 40/65/90/115/140 (+ 65% Bonus AD).
Some nerfs are coming, as Lillia has been fairly too strong in the meta.
- Passive – Dream-Laden Bough:
- Subsequent target healing modifier: 33% >>> 15%.
Riot is adding more Bonus AD Ratio to some of Nidalee’s ability while reducing base damage and such.
- Cougar Form:
- W – Pounce:
- Damage: 60/110/160/210 (+ 30% AP) >>> 55/100/145/190 (+ 30% AP)(+ 50% Bonus AD).
- E – Swipe:
- Damage: 80/140/200/260 (+ 40% Bonus AD)(+ 45% AP) >>> 70/115/160/205/250 (+ 70% Bonus AD)(+ 40% AP).
- W – Pounce:
There is a nerf coming to Rumble’s Flamespitter to decrease damage.
- Q – Flamespitter:
- Total Magic Damage: 125/140/155/170/185 (+ 110% AP)(+ 6/7/8/9/10% of target’s Maximum Health) >>> 80/105/130/155/180 (+ 110% AP)(+ 6/7/8/9/10% of target’s Maximum Health)
- Minion Damage: 55/60/65/70/75% >>> 70%.
Mana nerfs are coming to Tristana as she has more mana usage while also increasing base mana.
- Base Stats:
- Mana: 250 >>> 350.
- Q – Rapid Fire:
- Mana: 0 >>> 50.
- W – Rocket Jump:
- Mana: 60 >>> 50.
Riot is doing more jungle nerfs as she is getting reduced plant damage and Monster bonus.
- Plants:
- Damage: 16 – 84 (based on level)(+ 18% AP) >>> 15 – 75 (based on level)(+ 20% AP).
- Monster Bonus: 60 – 100 (based on level) >>> 50 – 100 (based on level).
Champion Adjustments
A few champions are getting adjustments as Riot is changing how some champions are being played.
Aurelion Sol
A bunch of changes are coming, such as Riot nerfing his Q and R while buffing E and W in some aspects. It is an interesting bunch of changes, and there are a lot of reverts from his previous buffs.
- Base Stats:
- Attack Damage: 55 >>> 58.
- Q – Breath of Light:
- Initial Mana Cost: 7.5/8.75/10/11.25/12.5 >>> 30/35/40/45/50 (full channel cost unchanged).
- Persistent Mana Cost: Every half second starting 0.5 seconds into the channel >>> Every quarter second, starting 1.25 seconds into the channel.
- W – Astral Flight:
- Target Range: 1200 (+ 7.5 per Stardust) >>> 1500/1600/1700/1800/1900 (+ 7.5 per Stardust).
- E – Singularity:
- Removed: Pets are no longer reduced to 0 speed.
- Mana Cost: 80/85/90/95/100 >>> 80.
- R – Falling Star/The Skies Descend:
- Falling Star Changes:
- Damage: 150/250/350 (+ 65% AP) >>> 150/250/350 (+ 75% AP).
- The Skies Descend:
- Damage: 187.5/312.5/437.5 (+ 81.25% AP) >>> 187.5/312.5/437.5 (+ 93.75% AP).
- Shockwave Damage: 100% of R1 damage >>> 90% of R1 damage.
- Falling Star Changes:
Riot is giving a Health buff, while his Spirit of Dread and Devastating Charge are getting overall buffs.
- Base Stats:
- Health Growth: 99 per level >>> 106 per level.
- W – Spirit of Dread:
- Duration: 5 seconds >>> 4 seconds.
- Cooldown: 16/15.5/15/14.5/14 seconds >>> 14 seconds.
- Healing: 20% of post-mitigation damage>>> 25% of post-mitigation damage.
- E – Devastating Charge:
- Cooldown: 18 seconds >>> 20/19/18/17/16 seconds.
Riot is changing how her Passive Attack Speed scaling while also reducing AD gained per level. Also, Her R cooldown reduction for Q is being reduced.
- Base Stats:
- AD Growth: 4 per level >>> 3.5 per level.
- Passive – Ionian Fervor:
- Attack Speed per Stack: 7/13.5/20% at level 1/7/12 >>> 7 – 25% (based on level 1 – 18, scaling linearly).
- R – Vanguard’s Edge:
- Flat Cooldown Reduction For Q: 0.5/1.5/2.5 seconds >>> 0.5/1/1.5 seconds.
There are quite a number of different changes coming to Milio. Here they all are.
- Passive – Fired Up!:
- Burst Damage: 15% of Enchanted Target’s AD >>> 7/11/15% of Enchanted Target’s AD (levels 1/6/9).
- Burn Damage: 15 – 50 (based on level)(+ 20% of Milio’s AP) >>> 10 – 50 (based on level)(+ 20% of Milio’s AP).
- Q – Ultra Mega Fire Kick:
- Range: 1000 >>> 1200.
- Cooldown: 12 seconds >>> 10 seconds.
- New Effect: Now refunds 50% of the mana cost if either part hits at least one enemy champion.
- W – Cozy Campfire:
- Recast Target Range: 700 >>> 3000.
- Movement Speed: Cozy Campfire is slower when following targets that are more than 2500 Units away from Milio.
- E – Warm Hugs:
- Shield Strength: 60/90/120/150/180 (+ 30% AP) >>> 45/75/105/135/165 (+ 45% AP).
System Nerfs
No buffs or adjustments are coming for Systems this time around. Only two nerfs are coming for Absorb Life and Warmog’s Armor.
Absorb Life
Riot is changing how Absorb Life scales into the game and also adjusting numbers. Nerfed for early levels, but Buffed for later levels.
- Heal: 2 – 20 (linear) >>> 1 – 23 (scaling).
Warmog’s Armor
The Passive Threshold for Warmog’s is increasing as pretty much any champion has been able to use it effectively.
- Passive Health Threshold: 1300 Bonus Health >>> 1500 Bonus Health.
New Game Mode – Swarm
A new Bullet Heaven game called Swarm is coming in League of Legends, where players can play nine different characters as they fight the Primordians. Players are enjoying it a lot over PBE, and it is extremely fun. Details for this will be updated soon.
The first part of the Anima Squad skins are coming in this patch, and here they all are.

Admiral Battle Bunny Miss Fortune

Battle Bunny Aurora

Primordian Bel’Veth

Primordian Rek’Sai