Finish up the last task on your first try!
Prince of Persia The Lost Crown has taken the platformer genre to another height. This time, Ubisoft has ensured we keep ourselves busy solving interactive puzzles rather than aimlessly jumping around. Mount Qaf has a plethora of environmental trials placed all around, which you have to complete to access more content. The Sacred Archive Trials are one of the notable ones in the game, which is also part of the Main Story Quest. Completing all four trials will unlock the Clairvoyance power for you.
Read More: All Athra Surges in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown
The Sacred Archive Trial 4 in Prince of Persia The Lost Crown is easily the hardest and trickiest of the four. You will have to carry out multiple tasks with a single Sargon to reach your goal. And you must get to the golden Tablet within Thirteen Seconds this time. Rest easy; we can help you finish the last trial on your first try. So, without any further ado, jump into our guide to find out about the Sacred Archives Trial 4 Solution in Prince of Persia The Lost Crown.
Sacred Archives Trial #4 Solution in The Lost Crown

After passing through the portal, you will notice a large area with multiple platforms. The Golden Tablet side lies on the topmost farthest side of the area, which will be accessible after clearing two obstacles. You will have to work your way around with a pressure plate, trap door, and a lever to get to the Tablet. You will have to finish multiple tasks and tactically use the Shadow of the Simurgh ability. To get to the Golden Tablet,
- After interacting with the statue, course your way straight for the pressure plate down below.

- On your way there, make a clone point just right of the Trap door so you can access the right side after the trap door closes off the way. Wait out your remaining time on the pressure plate.
- On your Second attempt, go straight to the lever and pull it after the first Sargon opens the trap door.
- On your third attempt, go straight down near the pressure plate and wait for the two Sargons to finish their tasks.

- The moment the second Sargon pulls the lever, access the Shadow of the first Sargon to reach the other side of the trap door and get the Golden Tablet.