Want to elevate your experience in Skyrim, Dragonborn? Try some of the best Skyrim utility mods to elevate your Skyrim Special Edition to a new level.
It has been over a decade since the launch of the original Skyrim or Elder Scrolls V. Since its launch, Skyrim has been popular among players as many claim the game reinvented the RPG genre completely, and this statement proves to be right to this day as the Skyrim: Special Edition is still one of the most played video game titles out there.
Read more: Best Mods For Realistic Gameplay: Skyrim
One of the core reasons for players to return to their life as a Dragonborn is due to the infinite modding possibilities that you get in this game. From building your home & companions to creating your personal user interface – you can do almost anything in Skyrim if you load up the right mods.
In this guide, I will showcase some of the best Skyrim Utility mods you can use to enhance your gaming experience. Keep in mind that all of these mods are for the Elder Scroll V: Special Edition.
The modders community works tirelessly to find new and exciting ways to play the game. So, make sure to support them if you can when enjoying their mods. Without further ado, let’s dive into these mods, shall we?
Top 15 Best Skyrim Utility Mods

Keep in mind that the mods listed here are not ranked in any particular order. With that in mind, here are the best utility mods you can try in Skyrim:
Survival Control Panel

Download Link: Survival Control Panel
This mod allows you to customize your game with the features that are only available in the survival mode update. You will be able to use the HUD indicators that show temperature level, the cold, sleep & hunger penalties, and the items’ warmth values.
To level up, you will have to go to sleep and much more. This mod is aimed at those who want a more hardcore surviving experience in Skyrim.
Player Rotation in Show Race Menu

Download Link: Player Rotation in Show Race Menu
If you want to get a 360 view of your characters in Skyrim (of course you do), then this is the mode you are looking for. As the name suggests, you will be able to rotate your character when you are in the ShowRaceMenu. You’ll have to right-click and then drag your mouse to see your player character.
Lore Loading Screens

Download Link: Lore Loading Screens
Are you tired of seeing the original load screen when you boot up the game? Then, replace the boring loading screen with lore-friendly artwork while you wait for the game to fire up all your mods and designs with this mod. Keep in mind this mode is made for Full HD (1920x1080p) resolution only.
Base Object Swapper
Download Link: Base Object Swapper
With this mod, you will be able to swap base objects by using the config files. This means assigning different models to farmhouses in every region without facing any script issues.
RaceMenu High Heels
Download Link: RaceMenu High Heels
Want to bring more style and fashion with high heels in the lands of Tamriel? – then this mod will be your lifesaver. You will be able to add heel height based on your personal interests, and there are no restrictions.

Download Link: EASYNPC
If you are using a lot of NPC overhauls and mods and suffering from bugs & script failures, then the EASYNPC mod will resolve all of your issues. It is quite simple. Just install the NPC mods and then create conflict-free ones with the help of this one.
Dynamic Distant Objects LOD

Download Link: Dynamic Distant Objects LOD
This mod allows you to load distant objects like trees, mountaintops, and fogs in a much more clear, enhanced version with a fast loading time.
Add Item Menu

Download Link: Add Item Menu
With this mod, you will be able to add any armor & object to your inventory through the ADDITEMMENU option when you pause the game. Just download the required item mod and then use this menu.
Animation Motion Revolution
Download Link: Animation Motion Revolution
Is the in-game animation getting bugged due to the sheer number of mods you’ve loaded? Then, welcome the next-gen graphics with this mod. You will experience a bug-free, smooth motion animation in your Skyrim once you’ve loaded this mod.
SSE Display Tweaks
Download Link: SSE Display Tweaks
This mod allows you to unlock the game framerate, fixes physics issues, and provides a borderless Fullscreen performance boost along with the option to limit frames. You will get an overhaul in the resolution department with this mode.
MCM Helper
Download Link: MCM Helper
This mod will simplify the creation of Mod Configuration Menus. It also includes new features, like persistent INI settings and hotkey registration. Mod authors will be able to write simpler, cleaner Papyrus scripts for their configs. Players will be able to spend less time on menus.
Dynamic Animation Replacer
Download Link: Dynamic Animation Replacer
Do you want your mods to function perfectly with the actor’s animations? – then this is the mod for you. With the help of this mod, you will be able to replace the animations dynamically based on various conditions.
Spell Perk Item Distributor
Download Link: Spell Perk Item Distributor
This mod allows you to customize your game to add spells/perks/items/shouts/packages/outfits/keywords/factions to every NPC in the game using config files.
Simple Custom Voiced Follower Plug N Play Script
Download Link: Simple Custom Voiced Follower Plug N Play Script
For those of you who created personal followers, you can now personalize more by adding unique voice and interaction calls and overall functionality with this mod.
BodySlide And Outfit Studio
Download Link: BodySlide And Outfit Studio
This mod enables the players to customize bodies and outfits with sliders and see real-time changes. This way, you are able to create custom body types of your preferred characters.
Read more: Skyrim Special Edition – Top 10 Best House Mods (For Both PC and Console)