In the Starfield world, various Creatures await you to be discovered. We will show you all the creatures in Starfield.
Experience an exciting journey in the space-themed RPG Starfield in your Spaceship. Fight with the opponents and save your ship and life to complete quests and missions. Explore different planets in the Milky Way Galaxy to uncover hidden mysteries and gather natural resources to survive better in Starfield.
While you visit and roam around different planetary systems and moons around the Galaxy, you may encounter exotic creatures or extraterrestrial creatures in front of you. Some of them may be fierce, and some of them may be friendly to you.
All Creatures
More than 100 types of fauna and Creatures in Starfield are currently wandering around on numerous planets. Always be ready with your gears and weapons to save yourself if you get attacked by any of the Creatures in Starfield.

All the Creatures are;
- Ankylosaur Herbivore
- Apex Dust Devil Exorunner
- Apex Parrothawk
- Ashta
- Baleen Rotifer
- Bearclaw
- Beetle Grazer
- Beetle Scavenger
- Beetlecrab
- Brightcage
- Carnasnail Scavenger’
- Centiskull Filterer
- Centiskull Geophage
- Centiskull Grazer
- Coralbucket Filterer
- Coralcrawler
- Coral heart Filterer
- Coral heart Grazer
- Coral heart Herbivore
- Crocodaunt
- Dust Devil Exorunner
- Eggback Herbivore
- Elk Crangon
- Flamethorn Herbivore
- Flocking ankylosaurus Geophage
- Flocking Cephalopod Scavenger
- Flocking Coralcrawler Geophage
- Flocking Glowhand Grazer
- Flocking Octomaggot Grazer
- Flocking Scorpion Geophage
- Flocking Shardhopper Geophage
- Flocking Shellephant Herbivore
- Flocking Toadface Herbivore
- Flocking Tongueface Herbivore
- Flocking Vuvuzelisk Grazer
- Gossamer Scavenger
- Grabber Filterer
- Grabber Herbivore
- Grazing Ensifer
- Herding Boneback Scavenger
- Herding Bonemane Grazer
- Herding Clickbeetle Grazer
- Herding Coralbucket Filterer
- Herding Coralcrawler Grazer
- Herding Crab Herbivore
- Herding Crabfly Grazer
- Herding Cutterhead Herbivore
- Herding Geckon Grazer
- Herding Glider Grazer
- Herding Glowback Scavenger
- Herding Hippodon Scavenger
- Herding Horsamander Herbivor
- Herding Sailgator Herbivore
- Herding Scoopback Geophage
- Herding Sunflower Filterer
- Herding Trihorn Goephage
- Herding Vuvuzelisk Fitlerer
- Herding Wobbleback Geophage
- Horsamander Grazer
- Hunting Ankylosaurus
- Hunting Brainsprout
- Hunting Brainsquid
- Hunting Brightcage
- Hunting Cagebrain
- Hunting Cephalopod
- Hunting Coralcrab
- Hunting Crab
- Hunting Glider
- Hunting Kronosaurus
- Hunting Leafstrider
- Hunting Sailgator
- Hunting Sharkwhale
- Hunting Shieldshell
- Hunting Toadface Stalker
- Hunting Triantrler
- Hunting Tuskfrog
- Hunting Twistfin
- Hunting Vectorback
- Jacknife Geophage
- Kreet Stalker
- Mayfly Herbivore
- Millwhale Grazer
- Mossgnath
- Mothwing Grazer
- Nautilus Scavenger
- Pack Ankylosaurus
- Pack Cockroach
- Pack Coralbug
- Pack Coralbug Stalker
- Pack Coralcrab Stalker
- Pack Coralcrawler
- Pack Crab
- Pack Dragondon
- Pack Prong Wing Seabat
- Pack Scarab
- Pack Seahag
- Pack Trapmaw
- Pack Twintail
- Pack Twistfin
- Pearl Filterer
- Siren
- Schooling Arapaima Filterer
- Schooling Exowhale Filterer
- Schooling Featherfin Filterer
- Sea hag
- Shark whale
- Sloth Grazer
- Sunfish Filterer
- Sunflower Filterer
- Swarming Dragon
- Swarming Stalking Scorpion
- Terrormorph
- Toadface Grazer
- Trilobite Scavenger
- Tuskfrog Grazer
And you may find all these Fauna and Creatures in different planets and biomes, such as;
Twintail and Siren types of Creatures can be found in Alpha Andraste II, Spider Wasp in Bardeen III, and much more. Some of these creatures hunt in packs, like Siren, and some of them hunt solo.

Many of these Creatures in Starfield cannot fly, but there are some special ones, like Metropus Floater, found in Lantana III, an air-floating Creature. Always stay cautious not to remove the cool of any of those, as they can attack heavily and may cause your Health Stats to drop.
Also, do not get confused by seeing a Creature of the same breed in different 1000+ planetary systems in Starfield. Finding these Creatures will increase your Research capacity and improve your Zoology Skill more and more.
There are some plants you may visit to encounter some of the exotic, insect-like Creaturs;
- Akila
- Alpha Andrasta III
- Lantana III
- Farmy III
- Charybdis
- Cassiopeioa I
- Jemison
- Moloch I and many more!
These are all the fauna and Creatures in Starfield.