FPS titles like VALORANT will always require you to communicate with your teammate & it’s a skill that costs time & effort.
Riot’s venture into the world of FPS began with VALORANT in 2020. The game has been in development for years, supposedly since 2014. VALORANT’s gameplay provides a taste of CSGO & Overwatch combined. It doesn’t matter whatever form it has; the game still falls under the competitive FPS category.
Competitive FPS titles are the hardest of their kind. Unlike Battle Royale, where luck plays a considerable part, competitive shooters are all about tactics, timing, aim & callouts. Some players are reluctant to give any attention to developing their communication skills. Conseuqneclty, they fall behind others who are willing to do the opposite.
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Good Callout Vs. Bad Callout
Good communication means short, readable & clear callouts. To callout effectively, you need to understand the basics of the game. You say what you see; it’s as simple as that. However, if you aim to reach the higher ranks of VALORANT, you might have to reconsider such approaches to callouts.
When calling out anything, it’s best to maintain order. Sorting the information in an orderly manner is essential before relaying it to others. An example of a well-sorted call would be, “One B long, low HP, with Vandal” instead of “One enemy low Hp with AWP at B Long.” Although it sounds similar, there is a vast difference.
In the first call, your teammates get to know the most crucial information which is the location of the enemy. Afterward, they come to know the health & threat level of the enemy. Thus, your teammate will be able to paint a picture of the situation before reacting to the information.
To put it simply, it’s not smart to prioritize the health status of the enemy before revealing his location to your teammates. Such information holds no value for the team since they are unaware of who is with low health or where. Similarly, there are other instances where the priority could be different.
Smart Callout Visluaized

Information Filter & Priority
Anything except for helpful information should be filtered out. Only the things that are relevant to the situation are practical. VALORANT players often waste their pre-round timeout by talking about the previous round instead of preparing for the upcoming round. Hence, they start planning for the round after it begins, resulting in a weak execution & miscommunications.
As discussed above, priorities should be answering some questions that start with where, what, & when. Remembering these simple tactics will make your callouts better. Smooth callout also means less distraction & zero criticism in-game. Players often start to criticize other players in-game, bringing distraction & disorder to the team.
Criticism is vital for improving any FPS title, but performing this in a live round is the worst idea. Excessive criticism also leads to a blaming loop where every player starts to blame each other instead of seeking a solution. Such white noises only make it harder for everyone to concentrate in the game.
Read More: Best VALORANT Callouts to Improve Gameplay
Maintaining clear communication is necessary to rank up in VALORANT. The only way to improve communications is to speak up. VALORANT has a solid VoIP system that enables players to communicate with each other. So, instead of relying on other VoIP platforms, it’s even easier to callout in VALORANT.