The 10 most picked Agents in VCT 2024 Masters include 2 Controllers, 2 Duelists, 4 Initiators, and 2 Sentinels.
Every Agent in VALORANT has unique roles. Without a doubt, all Agents are great. However, because of the dynamic nature of VALORANT meta, certain agents always stay one step ahead of their alternatives. The map rotation also affects the Agents’ pick rate at the highest level of competitive VALORANT.
Thanks to continuous Agent buffs and nerfs, the meta has shifted a lot since VALORANT 2023 Champions, resulting in different Agent preferences in VCT 2024 Masters Madrid. So, in this article, we’ll highlight those 10 most picked Agents in VCT 2024 Masters.
Note: The article was updated after the VCT 2024 Masters Madrid grand finals.
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1. Viper [Controller]

Overall Pick Rate: 78%
- Pick Rate on Each Map: Icebox (100%), Breeze (100%), Split (94%), Lotus (75%), Ascent (63%), Bind 63%), Sunset (56%)
2. Omen [Controller]

Overall Pick Rate: 68%
- Pick Rate on Each Map: Split (100%), Lotus (100%), Ascent (100%), Sunset (94%), Bind (13%), Icebox (18%), Breeze (0%)
3. Raze [Duelist]

Overall Pick Rate: 52%
- Pick Rate on Each Map: Split (100%), Lotus (88%), Bind (88%), Sunset (31%), Ascent (30%), Icebox (0%), Breeze (0%)
4. Jett [Duelist]

Overall Pick Rate: 43%
- Pick Rate on Each Map: Icebox (100%), Breeze (100%), Ascent (50%), Split (44%), Lotus (25%), Sunset (0%), Bind (0%)
5. KAY/O [Initiator]

Overall Pick Rate: 34%
- Pick Rate on Each Map: Ascent (70%), Sunset (69%), Icebox (58%), Breeze (50%), Bind (25%), Split (0%), Lotus (0%)
6. Sova [Initiator]

Overall Pick Rate: 33%
- Pick Rate on Each Map: Breeze (100%), Sunset (56%), Icebox (42%), Ascent (40%), Bind (25%), Split (0%), Lotus (0%)
7. Killjoy [Sentinel]

Overall Pick Rate: 29%
- Pick Rate on Each Map: Icebox (92%), Lotus (69%), Ascent (40%), Split (0%), Sunset (0%), Breeze (0%), Bind (0%)
8. Skye[Initiator]

Overall Pick Rate: 27%
- Pick Rate on Each Map: Split (83%), Bind (63%), Lotus (25%), Sunset (0%), Icebox (0%), Ascent (0%), Breeze (0%)
9. Cypher [Sentinel]

Overall Pick Rate: 26%
- Pick Rate on Each Map: Breeze (50%), Sunset (44%), Split (33%), Bind (25%), Lotus (19%), Icebox (0%), Ascent (0%)
10. Gekko [Initiator]

Overall Pick Rate: 24%
- Pick Rate on Each Map: Icebox (58%), Sunset (44%), Ascent (30%), Bind (25%), Lotus (19%), Split (0%), Breeze (0%)
The Agent meta in VALORANT will always evolve. Just because these Agents are picked the most right now doesn’t mean they’ll keep outperforming other Agents in the next event. Riot Games will likely nerf the most picked Agents in the next big update anyway.
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