Patch 14.11 is coming to League of Legends soon with more buffs, nerfs, and adjustments.
Riot landed the biggest patch since Patch 14.1 in League of Legends just a week ago. Patch 14.10 also kicked off the new Ranked Split as well as freshening up the gameplay aspects. It even had a micro patch to fix certain problems as well.
Moving on to Patch 14.11, this is already getting a bunch of buffs, nerfs, and adjustments. Riot Phroxzon talked about the changes a little, along with the rampant lane swapping that happened at MSI 2024. Here are all those changes.
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Release Date
League of Legends Patch 14.11 is expected to be released on Thursday, May 30, 2024.
LoL Patch 14.11 release time and server maintenance:
- NA: 3:00 AM PT
- EUW: 5:00 UK time
- EUNE: 3:00 CET
Champion Buffs
There are a bunch of buffs coming. This includes champions like Gangplank, Kha’Zix, Master Yi, Nasus, and more getting buffs. Also, Smolder is getting some buffs after he got the shorter end of the stick after the Marksmen item changes.
Gold gain from the kill is a little low, while dying is too punishing, so Riot is changing stuff up for Draven’s Passive.
- Passive – League of Draven:
- Gold gained from kill: 10 (+ 2 x number of stacks) Bonus Gold >>> 25 (+ 2 x number of stacks) Bonus Gold.
- Adoration Stacks Lost on Death: 75% >>> 50%.
Some of the base stats are being buffed to give him more health and more armor scaling.
- Base Stats:
- Health: 600 >>> 630.
- Armor Growth: 4.2 per level >>> 4.7 per level.
It’s a small buff to his Boomerang Throw and slightly better AD scaling.
- Base Stats:
- AD Growth: 3 >>> 3.2.
- Mini Gnar:
- Q – Boomerang Throw:
- Damage: 5/45/85/125/165 (+ 115% AD) >>> 5/45/85/125/165 (+ 125% AD).
- Q – Boomerang Throw:
Riot is giving Kha’Zix more damage for his Q.
- Q – Taste Their Fear:
- Damage: 70/95/120/145/170 (+ 110% Bonus AD) >>> 80/105/130/155/180 (+ 110% Bonus AD).
Her Ultimate is getting a buff in terms of CC and Cooldown.
- R – Wild Growth:
- Cooldown: 120/100/80 seconds >>> 100/90/80 seconds.
- Knockup Duration: 0.75 seconds >>> 1 second.
Master Yi
A bunch of stats are being improved for Master Yi.
- Base Stats:
- Health Growth: 100 per level >>> 105 per level.
- Attack Speed Growth: 2% per level >>> 2.5%.
- Attack Damage Growth: 2.2 per level >>> 2.5 per level.
- Armor Growth: 4.2 per level >>> 4.7 per level.
- Base Stats:
- Attack Damage: 51 >>> 54.
- W – Ebb and Flow:
- Mana Cost: 70/80/90/100/110 >>> 70/75/80/85/90.
- R – Tidal Wave:
- Slow: 50/60/70% >>> 70% at all ranks.
A small AD scaling buff alongside changes to his E is what’s coming for Nasus in this patch.
- Base Stats:
- AD Growth: 3.5 >>> 4.
- E – Spirit Fire:
- Mana Cost: 70/85/100/115/130 >>> 60/70/80/90/100.
- Armor Reduction: 25/30/35/40/45% >>> 30/35/40/45/50%.
- Q – Comet Spear:
- Throwing Damage now scales with 50% AP.
- W – Shield Vault:
- Damage: 60/100/140/180/220 (+ 100% AP) >>> 5/5.5/6/6.5/7% Target’s Maximum Health (+ 0.4% per 100 user Base Health)(1.5% per 100 AP).
- Monster Damage Cap: 0 >>> 50 – 200.
- E – Aegis Assault:
- Mortal Will Bonus:
- Bonus Resistances: 0 >>> 5 – 30 (based on level)(+ 2.5% Bonus Health) Armor and Magic Resistance for 4 seconds.
- Mortal Will Bonus:
- R – Starfall:
- Spear Damage now scales with 50% AP.
Riot is buffing Singed, giving him slightly more Poison Damage while also making Ultimate cooldowns more consistent.
- Q – Poison Trail:
- Total Magic Damage: 40/60/80/100/120 (+ 80%) >>> 40/60/80/100/120 (+ 85%).
- R – Insanity Potion:
- Cooldown: 120/110/100 seconds >>> 100 seconds.
- Base Stats:
- Attack Damage: 57 >>> 60.
- Passive – Dragon Practice:
- Super Scorcher Breath Bonus Damage: 40 – 52% (based on critical chance) >>> 40 – 75% (based on critical strike).
- Q – Super Scorcher Breath:
- Mana Cost: 23/26/29/32/35 >>> 25.
- Damage Increase: 0 – 50% (based on critical strike) >>> 0 – 75% (based on critical strike).
Champion Nerfs
Only six nerfs are coming this time around, as Hwei, Irelia, Jinx, and more are getting those hits.
Subject: Disaster is too strong so they are reducing the poke and minion clear speed.
- Q – Subject Disaster:
- Q + Q – Devastating Fire:
- Damage: 60/90/120/150/180 (+ 75% AP)(+ 4/5/6/7/8% of Target’s Maximum Health) >>> 60/90/120/150/180 (+ 75% AP)(+ 3/4/5/6/7% of Target’s Maximum Health).
- Q + E – Molten Fissure:
- Damage Per Tick: 5/10/15/20/25 (+ 6.25% AP) >>> 5/10/15/20/25 (+ 5% AP).
- Total Damage: 50/100/150/200/250 (+ 62.5% AP) >>> 50/100/150/200/250 (+50% AP).
- Q + Q – Devastating Fire:
The Irelia changes are unknown at this moment.
Riot has not released details on the Jinx nerfs yet.
The Karthus changes have not been revealed yet.
Riot is changing up Mordekaiser’s damage profile as his damage numbers are reducing for his Q and E. Meanwhile, Monster Damage is increasing so maybe a Mordekaiser Jungle angle here.
- Passive – Darkness Rise:
- Damage against Monsters: 28 – 164 (based on level) >>> 40 – 200 (based on level).
- Q – Obliterate:
- Single Target Damage Bonus: 40/45/50/55/60% >>> 30/35/40/45/50%.
- E – Death’s Grasp:
- Damage: 70/85/100/115/130 (+ 60% AP) >>> 60/75/90/105/120 (+ 60% AP).
Changes are unknown for Taliyah.
Champion Adjustments
As for adjustments, Ornn is getting the huge Passive rework, while K’Sante is getting some more balanced changes as well as Caitlyn. Also, Recommended Items and Runes are being changes for a bunch of items.
The changes are more nerfs than buffs, but this changes how to build with Caitlyn. So, more Attack Speed and less upfront damage.
- Base Stats:
- Attack Speed Ratio: 0.568 >>> 0.594.
- W – Yordle Snap Trap:
- Headshot Damage Increase: 40/85/130/175/220 (+ 40/50/60/70/80% Bonus AD) >>> 40/85/130/175/220 (+ 40% Bonus AD).
- R – Ace in the Hole:
- Damage: 300/500/700 (+ 170% Bonus AD) >>> 300/500/700 (+ 150% Bonus AD).
Once again, Riot is making some adjustments to K’Sante.
- Q – Ntofo Strikes:
- Mana Cost: 28/26/24/22/20 >>> 20.
- W – Path Maker:
- Maximum Charge Time: 1.5 seconds >>> 1 second.
- Damage Reduction During Charge: 40 – 60% (based on level) >>> 30%.
- All Out Bonus:
- Damage Reduction During Charge: 50 – 75% (based on level) >>> 60%.
- R – All Out:
- Healing Percentage: 10/15/20% >>> 15/20/25%.
Item Buffs
As for Item buffs, only two are getting some buffs. Both Immortal Shieldbow and Statikk Shiv are getting some buffs.
Immortal Shieldbow
- Unique Passive – Lifeline:
- Shield Value: 320 – 530 (based on level) >>> 320 – 720 (based on level).
Statikk Shiv
Item Nerfs
Infinity Edge is too strong after the Marksmen item changes, so Riot is nerfing the item.
Infinity Edge
- Critical Strike Damage: 50% >>> 40%.
The Collector
- Lethality: 15 >>> 12.
Item Adjustments
Essence Reaver is set to receive an update but we are not sure what the changes are.
Other System Changes
New Rune Absorb Life is too weak as well as the new version of Cut Down. Thus, both are getting some buffs, while Lane Swapping is going to be nerfed. Some turrets and plates are getting buffs to counteract that.
Absorb Life
Healing has been a bit less for Absorb Life, so that is getting a buff
- Heal: 2 – 17 (based on level) >>> 2 – 20 (based on level).
Cut Down
- Threshold for Effect: 60% of Maximum Health >>> 50% of Maximum Health.
Lane Swapping
In order to combat Lane Swapping, Riot is adjusting First Turret Gold while also increasing Damage Reduction on the towers. That should make it more rewarding to take a tower down but also make it harder to do so.
- First Turret Gold: 150 >>> 300.
- Damage Reduction: 50% >>> 75%.
The new Infernal skins are coming as Olaf, Ashe, and Karma are getting changes.