Riot Games is updating the Honor Rewards, adding a new skin line called Three Honor, featuring Three Honors Malzahar.
League of Legends is known to be a very toxic game. That’s why Riot Games released the Honor system that encourages players to have positive behavior. It does that by rewarding players who positively influence the game and other players’ experiences.
At the end of each game, players can commend their teammates in one of three categories. That being, Stayed Cool, Great Shotcalling, and GG<3. When every player on a team gives a commendation, the entire team receives a slight boost in their honor scores.
Players can earn various rewards just by leveling up their Honor, such as Key Fragments, Champion Shards, Honor Capsules, Honor Orbs, Mastery Chest, and Honor 5 Tokens. Using the Honor 5 Tokens, players can redeem Medieval Twitch, Gray Warwick, and their chromas.
Now Riot wants to expand the rewards gained through Honor. So they are adding a new skin line called Three Honors, which can exclusively be earned through having good Honor.
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Three Honors Malzahar Skin
Behavioral Systems Product Lead for League of Legends, TimTamMonster, announced on their new blog post that they would be adding rewards for the highest level of Honor, Honor level 5.
Players who have reached Honor level 5 will earn a skin from the upcoming Three Honors skin line. The first skin of this new skin line is Three Honors Malzahar.
Splash Art

How To Get
You can earn Three Honors Malzahar by achieving Honor level 5.
If you are Honor level 5 by the time the skin releases and have an Honor 5 Token, you can get Three Honors Malzahar skin for free.
But if you are not, you will have to honor up first to acquire the skin. And to achieve that, the first and foremost thing you can do is play more matches, as you gain some progress after the end of each match.
You can earn Honor scores by being positive in your games. If you are toxic in very few games, that won’t affect your Honor score. But if you keep juggling between toxic and positive in your matches, that will slow down your progress.
If everyone on your team honors someone, you get an extra increase in your Honor score, even if you weren’t directly honored. In addition, you receive extra Honor from matchmade teammates over premade teammates.
Plus, you can still gain more from other random teammates just by being positive. So keep playing well and do your calls properly. Even if your team is losing, you can still be positive and try to lead your team to glory. In that way, your teammates might honor you just for being a good team member.
You can learn more about improving your Honor level right here.
Release Date
Three Honors Malzahar Skin is currently on the PBE for testing, and it is scheduled to release on League of Legends 2023 Preseason when the Season 12 Ranked ends. The deadline for season 12 is November 14th. So if you are honor level 5 before then, you will receive the skin alongside the permanent champion after November 14th, within four weeks.