The ‘Arcane’ series on Netflix has created a lot of hype for League and some champions like Caitlyn. So if you want to buy the best skin for Caitlyn, we’ve got you covered.
Caitlyn is one of the best all-around ADCs in League of Legends. She has the highest range of all ADCs in the early game, so you can easily harass your lane opponent and take control of your lane. Caitlyn also is vital in the mid to late game as long as she doesn’t fall behind. So, if you want to dominate your lane and be strong early without sacrificing late game, Caitlyn is your champion.
But Caitlyn does not scale like Jinx or Vayne as she doesn’t have any steroids in her kit like percentage damage or resets. But if you can position yourself well and utilize your range and abilities, You can easily carry games with Caitlyn. You won’t have to depend on other champions in the early game and carry the late game like a Jinx or Vayne. A good Caitlyn can control the whole game.
Caitlyn has a lot of great skins to choose from. Her skins have so many different concepts and designs that you will like at least some of them. Unfortunately, so many skins can also be a problem when choosing a skin to buy. So let’s help you find the best Caitlyn skin out there.
13. Safari Caitlyn

- Release Date: May 10, 2011
- Price: 975 RP (Legacy)
- Chroma: No
Safari Caitlyn is the worst Caitlyn skin out there. The skin is very old and simple, but the price is very high for a skin of this caliber. There is no excuse to waste so much money buying a skin like this. In addition, the character model looks worse than the original Caitlyn skin. And there are no animations or effects to speak of.
12. Sheriff Caitlyn

- Release Date: January 04, 2011
- Price: 520 RP (Legacy)
- Chroma: No
Sheriff Caitlyn is another underwhelming Caitlyn skin. The visual update in 2021 at least makes it more presentable. Unfortunately, there is nothing special in this skin. The character model is very simplistic, and the color scheme is meh.
11. Arctic Warfare Caitlyn

- Release Date: December 29, 2011
- Price: 750 RP
- Chroma: No
Arctic Warfare Caitlyn is a reasonably cheap skin. All the character models feel the same in this tier with different outfits. Arctic Caitlyn has winter clothing on this skin, and a dog can be seen in the splash art. But I’m disappointed to say I couldn’t find the dog anywhere in-game. Overall it’s a simple skin that I wouldn’t recommend.
10. Resistance Caitlyn

- Release Date: January 04, 2011
- Price: 520 RP
- Chroma: No
Resistance Caitlyn is another skin with a similar character model as the previously mentioned skins. There isn’t much to distinguish these skins, but I found this character model cuter than the other ones. The hat and the outfit make this skin better than other low-tier skins for me.
9. Officer Caitlyn

- Release Date: October 05, 2011
- Price: 975 RP
- Chroma: No
Officer Caitlyn has to be the best older-skinned Caitlyn has. The new visual update doesn’t look half bad, and the color scheme looks better than before. If you want to uphold the law, I would suggest Officer Caitlyn’s skin rather than the Sheriff’s.
8. Arcane Caitlyn

- Release Date: November 22, 2021
- Price: 975 RP
- Chroma: No
Call me a fanboy, but I had to put Arcane Caitlyn above the other simpler skins, and rightfully so. Arcane Caitlyn has some subtle new animations and effects. Also, she comes with a new recall animation. Most players received this skin for free by completing some missions. So for a free skin, Arcane Caitlyn is great. But if you didn’t get it for free, spending 975 RP may not be worth it for this one.
7. Headhunter Caitlyn

- Release Date: September 03, 2014
- Price: 975 RP
- Chroma: No
Headhunter Caitlyn is a reference to the movie ‘Predator.’ The splash art looks gorgeous, but I was disappointed with the in-game model. The character model doesn’t look much like the splash art. Other than that, Headhunter Caitlyn has decent animations, effects, and new recall animation.
6. Lunar Wraith Caitlyn

- Release Date: January 27, 2016
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: Yes (1 Chroma Available)
Lunar Wraith Caitlyn is an entirely new look for Caitlyn. The animations and effects are great. But for 1350 RP, I would expect something a lot better. There is no way I would spend 1350 RP for a Caitlyn skin and buy this instead of Pool Party or Arcade Caitlyn.
5. Prestige Arcade Caitlyn

- Release Date: June 28, 2019
- Price: Special Pricing
- Chroma: No
For me, Prestige Arcade Caitlyn looks worse than the base Arcade one. Yes, it is a rarer version. But spending so much mythic essence for Prestige Arcade Caitlyn is not a good idea unless you are a Caitlyn main. The new animations, effects, and everything else are gorgeous, but I’m not a fan of the golden color scheme for Caitlyn.
4. Arcade Caitlyn

- Release Date: June 28, 2019
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: No
Like all the skins from the Arcade skin line, Arcade Caitlyn delivers. The pixelated effects and animations look amazing. And the sound effects make you feel like you are playing an arcade game. In addition, the color scheme of this skin looks so much better than the Prestige version.
3. Pulsefire Caitlyn

- Release Date: May 24, 2017
- Price: 1820 RP
- Chroma: Yes (1 Chroma Available)
Pulsefire Caitlyn was my favorite Caitlyn skin. But with the release of new skins, this feels a little outdated to me. However, the Starcraft Vibe makes this skin one of the best Caitlyn skins. The animations and effects are smooth and futuristic. I’m especially fond of the recall animations where Caitlyn jumps into a portal to another world and wears different types of hats.
2. Pool Party Caitlyn

- Release Date: August 02, 2018
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: Yes (5 Different Chromas Available)
Pool Party Caitlyn might be the best pool party skin in League of Legends. Especially after her visual update in 2021, this skin looks stunning. The basic attacks and other animations are fun to play with, and the sound effects make it even better. Not to simp, but the character model looks beautiful, and the different chromas give you various color choices.
1. Battle Academia Caitlyn

- Release Date: March 18, 2021
- Price: 1820 RP
- Chroma: Yes (5 Different Chromas Available)
Aside from Arcane, Battle Academia Caitlyn is the newest Caitlyn skin, which looks fantastic. It’s a legendary skin with new animations, effects, and everything. In addition, the character model and color scheme look gorgeous. The only thing that I could complain about is that her voice seems different and doesn’t seem to match her, but that’s hardly any problem when the skin looks this good.