Apex Legends has entered its 5th year and is celebrating with its traditional Apex Anniversary Event.
Apex Legends, which entered the battle royale gaming genre as a dark horse in 2019, surprised everyone with its extraordinary gameplay and features. The combination of a fast-paced BR game was exactly what people wanted, and this has allowed Apex to survive and thrive for 5 years. The 2024 Apex Anniversary event will celebrate this amazing milestone.
With all that said, the anniversary event this year is unlike anything before. Respawn has changed the entire mechanics of the game, from the fundamentals to the gimmicks. So, prepare yourselves for a new era of Apex Legends in 2024!
Read More: Apex Legends Season 20 “Breakout” Battle Pass
Apex Legends 2024 Anniversary Collection Event
Skins and Cosmetic Items
Legend Skins
There’ll be 9 legendary character skins for the following legends in the Year 5 Anniversary Collection Event:
- Mirage
- Bangalore
- Catalyst
- Octane
- Loba
- Wraith
- Seer
- Pathfinder
- Valkyrie
Heirloom Shards
Respawn will feature 150 Heirloom Shards for collecting all the items from the Anniversary Collection Event, similar to previous years. Players will be able to unlock any available Heirloom or Prestige skin using the Heirloom Shards. The newest heirloom to be added is a recolor of Octane’s butterfly knife. The recolor has a distinct blue tint instead of the regular green stim. It’s a growing trend of Respawn adding fan favorite items as recolors for more customization option
New LTM Straight Shot
The biggest addition is the new Limited Time Mode called Straight Shot. As the name suggests, get straight into the action without the hassle. Some core features of this LTM mode make it super fast-paced:
- No Jumpmaster, as players spawn in set locations alongside another team.
- There will be less teams (down to 30).
- Weapons will spawn fully kitted with different rarities.

Free Community Reward Tracker

Players can earn free cosmetic items by earning points throughout the duration of the Collection Event. The event reward will include the following:
- Ballistic Skin
- Bloodhound Skin
- R-99 Skin
- Prowler Skin
- Loading Screen, Banners, and trackers.
Read More: Apex Legends Season 20 “Breakout” Release Time Across Different Regions