Data miners have discovered the next Prestige skin in waiting. It will be given to Revenant during the next Collection Event.
Respawn introduced the Mythic or Prestige skin in Apex Legends Season 12. Bloodhound was the first Legend to receive Prestige skin treatment in that season. Since then, Respawn has kept the trend ongoing, and the following seasons saw the release of multiple Prestige skins.
As of now, Respawn has released 5 unique Prestige skins in the game, including Bloodhound, Bangalore, Wraith, Caustic, and Valkyrie. Like Heirlooms, the Prestige skins’ sequence does not follow any particular order. So, the community is always guessing which Legend will receive the next Prestige skin.
However, thanks to data miners, we have a glimpse of the next Prestige skin that’ll come to Apex Legends in Season 18. And none other than our reworked Legend, Revenant, will receive his Prestige skin in the next Collection Event.
Read More: Respawn Reveals Fuse’s Razor’s Edge Heirloom Coming to Harbingers Collection Event
Revenant Prestige Skin First Look
As the Season 18 Harbingers Collection Event went live, Apex Legends pushed a big update on September 19. Like always, the data miners dug through the files and found some upcoming content. Among them, KralRindo has found the Revenant Prestige skin models, finishers, and more.

According to the data miners, the name of Revenant’s Prestige skin is “Apex Nightmare.” The look of the Prestige skin fits Revenant’s personality very well. Like previous Prestige skins, there’ll be three tiers that you can upgrade by completing the tasks.
Apex Nightmare Finisher
Will Revenant Prestige Skin have Unique Skydive Trail?
Yes! Similar to Valkyrie, Revenant will also receive his own unique skydive trail with the Prestige skin set.