Apex Legends Newcastle Launch Skin Bundle: First Look, Price, Release Date

Nazmul Hassan
By Nazmul Hassan
3 Min Read
Credit: Zilke

Season 13 of Apex Legends is almost here, and similar to each new seasonal update, the new legend Newcastle is scheduled to receive a launch skin bundle.

The new season 13 of Apex Legends brings all the usual seasonal updates that have become standard at this point, such as a new character called “Newcastle,“ a reworked Storm Point, a brand new Saviors battle pass, a revamped ranked system, and much more.

Similar to every new character release in the game, the new legend Newcastle will receive a personalized launch bundle containing a unique-looking legendary skin, a matching Rampage skin, and a Holo Spray to go along with the IMC theme from this bundle.

Read More: Apex Legends’ new Legend Newcastle: First Look, Abilities, Release Date, & More

Newcastle Launch Skin Bundle First Look

Based on the leaks, Newcastle’s launch bundle skin features an IMC pilot outlook. Unsurprisingly, Jackson, AKA Newcastle, was also a pilot for the IMC and one of Bangalore’s four older brothers. 

This skin will be exclusive for season 13 only, and players who are already looking to play him on a permanent basis need to keep an eye out for this skin as there is no telling if this skin will ever return to the store after the sale ends.

Also, the launch bundle will come with Newcastle unlocked as a playable character, provided you don’t have enough legend tokens saved.

Newcastle Legendary Skin

According to famous data miner ezra_rc, this will be the Newcastle Launch Bundle skin.

Newcastle Legendary Skin
Credit: ezra_rc

Holo Spray

Newcastle Holospray
Credit: Thordan Smash

Rampage Skin

Rampage Skin
Credit: EA

Newcastle Launch Skin Bundle Price

The Newcastle launch skin bundle should cost around 4600 Apex coins. However, if you purchase the new Legend Newcastle using the Legend token, then the overall price of the skin bundle will decrease to 2250 Apex coins.

Newcastle Launch Skin Bundle Release Date

The Newcastle launch skin bundle will be released alongside the new season 13 of Apex Legends on May 10, 2022.

Read More: Apex Legends Season 13 Saviors Battle Pass: First Look, Legendary Skins, Price, Release Date, & More

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By Nazmul Hassan FPS Editor
Nazmul is GameRiv's FPS editor. He is a marketing graduate with an immense passion for gaming. As an ex-professional CS:GO player, he holds a strong interest in other FPS titles like Apex Legends, VALORANT, and CoD. However, he also tries out other games when he is free.