Respawn has finally started to reveal what they have in store for players in the upcoming season 13 of Apex Legends called “Saviors.”
As we are at the tail end of season 12 of Apex Legends, it is customary for Respawn to reveal their plans for the next season. Like previous seasons, the new season 13 has a unique name called “Saviors.”
In the new Apex Legends Season 13 “Saviors,” we will get a new Agent called Newcastle, a new Saviors Battle Pass, a new AI called “The Downed Beast,” map changes, New Ranked Season, and many more things.
Back in season 9, Respawn decided to move away from naming each new season with numerical values. Instead, they started to call each new season based on the overall theme of that particular season. Seasons 9, 10, 11, and 12 were called “Legacy,” “Emergence,” “Escape,” and “Defiance”, respectively. The new Apex Legends Season 13 is named “Saviors,” meaning it’s all about shields and saving others. The new agent’s abilities are similar, so the name perfectly reflects that.
Below you will find all details about the new upcoming Apex Legends Season 13 “Saviors.”
Read More: Apex Legends Season 13 Saviors Battle Pass: First Look, Legendary Skins, Price, Release Date, & More
Apex Legends Season 13 Saviors
The official YouTube recently revealed the trailer for the upcoming Apex Legends Season 13. In the 3.51-minute trailer, we see what’s in store for us when the new season finally drops, including the new agent Newcastle’s abilities in action and the new “The Downed Beast” in all its glory.
At the start of the trailer, we see all the current Apex Legends holding a farewell party for Bangalore and a welcome party for Newcastle all in one. Newcastle is joining as a replacement after Bangalore has decided to leave the Apex Games. The main reason Bangalore joined was to find her long-lost brother Jackson, but she believes that objective does not exist anymore.
The agents are then dropped onto the map as the Apex Games are about to begin. They land on the shores of Storm Point, and a giant crustacean creature emerges from the deep waters. All the agents start fighting it, and that’s when we get a good look at some of Newcastle’s abilities.
New Agent Newcastle
As previously mentioned, Apex Legends is including the new Legend “Newcastle.” He has a shield, and that seems to be his main theme. He is a shield character similar to Gibraltar. From the video, we see he can deploy his shield, and it protects anyone behind it from incoming fire.
He can also drag downed teammates to safety by covering them with his shield. Lastly, we see his Ultimate ability, where his shield deploys fully to form a barricade that blocks all incoming damage.
For more details about Newcastle’s abilities and other information, read our other article detailing everything about Newcastle.
New AI “The Downed Beast”
In Apex Legends Season 13, “Saviors,” players must face a giant crustacean called “The Downed Beast.” At present, we do not have details about this encounter. Hopefully, we get a game mode where players have to take down this behemoth to win instead of the usual last-team standing format.

Massive Storm Point Update

The Ecological Cleanup and Hazard Outreach (ECHO), previously seen on Kings Canyon, has arrived at Storm Point to clean up the mess so the games can continue. However, the enormous dead sea creature will take a long time to remove, and so it transformed what was once a large, empty length of shoreline. This POI is a high-tier loot location that connects three rotations: North Pad, Checkpoint, and The Mill. On the drop, you will see a large crane on a floating barge, which is part of the ECHO structures surrounding the Downed Beast.

IMC Armories have been dormant underground for decades on Storm Point. Before the war ended, the IMC created these automated combat support structures and stored them deep underground. Originally intended to support IMC Pilots in combat, they were never activated… until now. When the creature emerged, a seismic threat was detected. In response, the armories activated and rose to the surface.
When you approach the armory, the ramp will automatically open to provide access to the interior. Once inside, you’ll find a payload of weapons and a button to access the valuable loot stored inside of it, which happens to be guarded by Spectres. Activating the armory will close and lock the ramp, then initiate combat against multiple waves of Spectres.
Survive for 60 seconds, and you will receive smart loot that is catered to upgrade your loadout. The more Spectres you can eliminate as a squad, the more loot you’ll receive! Visiting these armories early in the match will have you geared up for the long haul. After completing the challenge, you have the option to eject up into the sky or simply leave the way you came. Your squad can also use the rooftop as advantageous high ground.

Respawn has received lots of feedback, data, and telemetry after the launch of Storm Point, so a detailed global tuning pass was crucial to improve the overall minute-to-minute gameplay. Beyond that, some new decisive changes were made to wildlife: a new prowler camp was added near the Cenote. If you choose to rotate through there, you will find a fresh take on the combat experience against Prowlers within a cave and over coral terrain.
Another prowler camp southwest of The Mill was improved to be more dynamic, mostly adding more flat rocks and terracing for players and AI to traverse. A spider nest north of the Command Center was also improved by adding a rock archway to bring the nests closer together. Hundreds of smaller QoL updates were done to smooth out the player experience across the map.
Apex Legends Season 13 “Saviors” Battle Pass
We can’t really have a new season of Apex Legends without anything to grind. That’s where battle pass steps in. The latest battle pass season will be called “Saviors.”
Expect new legendary skins for both characters and weapons, skydive emotes, weapon charms, seasonal trackers, music packs, banners, and more to grind in this new Defiance battle pass.

Saviors Ranked Reloaded
Apex Legends: Saviors’ upgraded Ranked system adds tier demotions, entry cost adjustments, and a rework of Ranked Points to promote teamplay. The current Ranked goals revolve around Teamplay for Victory and Accurate Skill and better Competition.
Saviors Patch Notes
Fortified Legends
- Fortified no longer reduces headshot damage
Crafting Rotation
- Flatline & Longbow is coming out and is now floor loot
- Rampage & R-301 going into a crafter
Gold Weapons
- EVA-8, Bow, Flatline, P2020, Spitfire
Helmets Buff
- Blue helmet headshot damage reduction increased from 40% to 50%
- Purple helmet headshot damage reduction increased from 50% to 65%
- Headshot multiplier down from 3.0 to 2.0
- Damage reduced from 145 to 140
- Increased reload time from 2.6 to 3.1
- Slightly increased handling times
- Reduced headshot damage multiplier from 1.75 to 1.5
- Reduced headshot distance from 64m to 57m
- Overheat cool-off time increased from 2.5 to 3.6
- Slightly increased handling times
- Damage reduced from 16 to 15
- Reduced headshot damage multiplier from 1.75 to 1.5
- Reduced headshot distance from 64m to 57m
- Increased reload time from 2.8 to 3.2
- Draw time increased to 0.8 from 0.7
- Holster time increased from 0.75 to 0.65
- Raise time increased to 0.65 from 0.55
- Lower time increased to 0.6 from 0.5
- Improved recoil at the start of the pattern
Dual Shell
- Removed from floor loot and crafting bundles
Mozambique & Peacekeeper
- Increased limb damage from 0.8 to 1.0
Crate Weapons
- Spitfire back to floor loot
- Mastiff into crate
- Damage decreased from 19 to 18
- Purple & Gold Magazine capacity reduced from 55 to 50
- Crouched hip fire spread increased
- Removed barrel attachment slot
- Reduced headshot damage multiplier from 1.75 to 1.5
- Reduced headshot distance from 64m to 57m
- Increased reload time from 3.2 to 3.4
- Draw time increased to 0.8 from 0.7
- Holster time increased to 0.75 from 0.65
- Raise time increased to 0.65 from 0.55
- Lower time increased to 0.6 from 0.5
- Tightened blast pattern
- Ammo capacity reduced from 6 to 4
- Stockpile ammo: 28
- Damage per pellet increased from 11 to 14
- Increased pellet size
- Fire Rate increased from 1.1 to 1.2
Cells & Syringes
- Cells and Syringe spawn rates have been lowered by about 18%
Rampart Improvements
- Sheila’s spin-up time decreased from 1.75s to 1.25s
- Amped Cover deploy health increased from 45 to 120
- Amped Cover deploy time decreased from 4.25 to 3.6
- Can no longer freely spin while launching during Skyward Dive
Out of Bounds
- When going out of bounds, the following will be disabled:
- Legends Abilities
- Weapons, Ordinances, and Survival Items
- Healing items (Will not cancel mid-healing)
- All Active Passives (e.g. Valks Jet Packs)
World’s Edge
- Redesigned windows at Lava Siphon’s Control Tower to focus sightlines
- Added some additional cover around Lava Siphon’s Lava Pit
- The Gondola loot has been tweaked. The chances of finding high-tier armor in them have been notably reduced. Climatizer and Lava Siphon will still remain as High Tier Loot POIs
- 100 → 75
Charge Rifle
- Lvl 1: 200 → 150
- Lvl 2: 200 → 150
- Lvl 3: 450 → 400
- Base: 400 → 300
- Lvl 1: 250 → 200
- Lvl 2: 300 → 250
- Lvl 3: 400 → 350
- Lvl 3: 400 → 350
Bocek Bow
- Lvl 2: 250 → 200
- Lvl 3: 300 → 250
Triple Take
- Base: 600 → 500
- Lvl 1: 250 → 200
- Lvl 2: 300 → 250
- Lvl 3: 400 → 300
- Lvl 1: 150 → 200
- Lvl 2: 250 → 350
- Lvl 1: 200 → 150
- Base: 350 → 400
- Lvl 2: 250 → 200
- Lvl 3: 350 → 300
- Lvl 2: 300 → 250
- Lvl 3: 350 → 300
- Fix for players inside of Bangalore smoke unintentionally getting aim assist on targets outside of smoke.
- Fixed bug where Valk could no longer use Jumptowers if she has been previously shot down during her Ultimate.
- Fix for Volt animation for cases where the weapon and reticle have a jittery animation when the player is crouched.
- Fix for cases where weapons and attachments can be dropped/switched during Charge Tower interaction, leading to animation glitch.
- Fix for Charge Rifle Legendary skin “Curse of the Amazon” where the upper part of the weapon blocked the camera view when aiming down sites.
- Fixed bug for cases when the user accesses the replicator and pulls up their inventory before the UI for the replicator shows up. They can drop their weapon and are stuck in a crouched position.
- Canyonlands: Fix for cases when players could get blocked when trying to activate Valk’s Ultimate.
- Fixed a bug where Season Trackers were no longer showing what season stats they were tracking.
- Fixed a bug where the Sentinel could charge instantly when vaulting.
- Xbox One: Fix for cases where players sometimes had to skip the Legend Select phase due to being stuck on the “waiting for players” screen.
- Fixed issue when Knocking a player on an enemy team and then dying before getting the kill, which can lead to the kill being rewarded to another team instead
- ARENAS – Fixed issue where Boosted Loader was missing on Wingman.
- Fixed issue where Finishers are not counted as damage towards Challenges.
- Fixed bug where Purple Evo shields glow through closed care packages, loot pins, and Lifeline Care Packages.
- Fix for cases where players could get killed by a death box if coming in contact with it on an airship.
- Fixed a bug for an issue with Players getting killed when throwing a caustic barrel up against an opening door.
- Fix for cases when Crypto’s heirloom (sword) appears stuck in the middle of his body while his drone is deployed.
- Fixed issue when inspecting his Heirloom with the “Deadly Byte” skin equipped, which can show missing arm texture.
- Fix for cases when players could recall their Drone instantly after activating their Ultimate.
- Fixed bug for when Crypto is using his legendary skin, and while being revived by a Mirage, he turns invisible except for his sunglasses, which remain visible during the revive.
- Fixed a bug where using Fuse’s Tactical in water caused the audio to get overwhelmingly loud.
- Fix for bug where players can extend Motherlode’s range if used on flyers, Crypto’s drone, loot drones, and Loba’s Bracelet.
- Fix for cases when Horizon’s Ultimate disappears if the player opens a door next to it.
- Fix for bug where the shield regeneration from Wattson’s ultimate would reveal Mirage’s location when he is invisible while reviving.
- Fixed bug for when Mirage’s decoys would sprint faster when the player is armed with an item than when they are unarmed.
- Fix for an issue where grappling grounded Loot Rollers can cause the player to get flung at high velocity.
Custom Match is replacing the previous Private Match system.
- Custom Match QOL improvements:
- UI & Design Improvements.
- Custom Match now saves Team Names & Match Settings when returning from match to lobby.
- Match flow improvements.
- Added new launch parameters to pre-select viewing targets for Observer.
- Updated the color pallet used by Observers when viewing teams (Map Overview + Highlights)
- Additionally, fixed the color duplication issue previously seen on the map overview
- Updated the Team Eliminated Text with a unique color for Anonymous Mode in Custom Match.
Release Date:
Apex Legends Season 13 Saviors will release on May 10, 2022.
Read More: Apex Legends’ new Legend Newcastle: First Look, Abilities, Release Date, & More