Rainbow Six Siege Y9S2 Operation New Blood has been officially announced, and it is bringing Recruits as a playable operator in all playlists, nerf to both Solis and Fenrir and more subtle changes to the game. Find the full patch notes below.
Ubisoft revealed the latest season of Rainbow Six Siege, titled Operation New Blood, during the Manchester Major.
While this new season did not generate much hype, it still brings some big balancing changes that will surely change the meta.
R6S Y9S2 Patch Notes
New Operators: Striker and Sentry
Siege’s Y9S2 is remastering the classic Recruit operator, and introducing them as two new operators: Striker (Attacker) and Sentry (Defender). These new operators don’t have any unique abilities or gadgets like other operators; however, they can bring any secondary gadgets available with some constraints.
The new operator Striker, for example, can pick both impact EMPs and secondary Hard-Breaching gadgets to breach reinforced surfaces without depending on others. This will specially come in handy for solo players, who do not play in a stack.
Solis Nerf

Solis has received a multitude of nerfs altogether that should put a heavy dent in her pick rate. Solis can no longer use her primary gadget during the prep phase, which was a huge annoyance for the Attackers. The duration of the sensor has been reduced to 10 seconds, and it must be at full charge to use. Even the range has been decreased to 12 meters. She has also lost her impact grenades, reducing her plant-denying ability even further.

Fenrir’s F-NATT Mines are no longer bulletproof, so Attackers can shoot them even when they are not activated. The number of Mines has also been reduced to 4, and he can activate two of them at a time. However, when a Dread Mine has been destroyed the activation ticket will no longer be wasted, so he can still use them to activate other Mines.
There are more changes coming with Rainbow Six Siege’s new Y9S2 Patch, such as Barbed wire dealing damage, Flashbang customization, a new map training playlist, and more. Read the full patch notes here.
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