Udyr has been reworked in League of Legends. Let’s look at his skins from worst to best.
Udyr is one of the oldest champions to be released in League of Legends. He was released over ten years ago, and he was a very well-loved champion at that time. But as the game got older and more refined, Udyr stayed outdated. So Riot Games announced that Udyr would get his rework after winning the 2021 VGU poll.
Now, Udyr rework has finally hit the live servers. Not only is Udyr over-tuned right now, but he even counters most meta junglers such as Kayn and Diana. So if you want some free LP, this might be the best chance to play the Spirit Walker. Since Udyr is mainly a bruiser, his strongest is the mid-game. He is also good in the early-game scenario as well. However, he especially falls off during late-game. So during that time, it’s wiser to stick with your team.
5. Black Belt Udyr

- Release Date: July 18, 2010
- Price: 520 RP
- Chroma: No
Black Belt Udyr isn’t a bad skin. But compared to Udyr’s other reworked skins, it cannot keep up. The problem with this skin is the concept. It depicts Udyr as a real-life martial artist. And it’s very limiting, considering base Udyr is a Spirit Walker, and his other skins also have drastically different concepts.
In addition, this skin does not have any VFX effects. Also, this skin does not have different models based on stances, but just as a base model change; it isn’t too bad.
4. Primal Udyr

- Release Date: December 06, 2010
- Price: 975 RP
- Chroma: No
Primal Udyr is one of the better skins out there, even if you compare it with some epic skins. The look of this skin is just fantastic. It depicts Udyr as a prehistoric hunter. This skin even has different models for each different stance. The only thing this skin doesn’t include is VFX. The only reason this skin is in the low tier is that there are already better Udyr skins than Primal Udyr. But for 975 RP, this skin is more than worth it.
3. Dragon Oracle Udyr

- Release Date: August 15, 2019
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: No
Dragon Oracle Udyr is his most recent skin. And it looks good for what it is. Moreover, it still has different visuals depending on his stance. It has additional VFX and animations as well. And for being Udyr’s only epic skin, it gets the job done.
2. Definitely Not Udyr

- Release Date: March 31, 2015
- Price: 975 RP
- Chroma: No
Definitely not Udyr is a perfect joke skin. However, Udyr’s rework has reignited new light on this skin. Originally it was just Udyr wearing a bear costume. But now it’s a derpy muppet suit. This skin is a parody of not only Udyr but also his Freljordian demi-gods. This skin includes different models for his stances and different recall animations. The only thing is it doesn’t have a distinct VFX, but still, Definitely Not Udyr is a perfect joke skin.
1. Spirit Guard Udyr

- Release Date: July 07, 2013
- Price: 3250 RP
- Chroma: No
Spirit Guard Udyr is the second-ever ultimate skin released for League of Legends. And this skin is also the best Udyr skin out right now. Not only is this skin is cannon for Udyr’s story, but it also pays homage to his old stances. This skin still includes his classic Bear, Turtle, Tiger, and Regular Phoenix stance for his stances. This skin might not live up to standards for ultimate skin, but as an Udyr skin, it’s the best skin.