Bubble Gum Simulator is another game with active in-game codes that give you free rewards.
Bubble Gum Simulator is an interesting Roblox mini-game. Your main goal in this game is to gather various bubble gums, grow them, and leap higher in order to set new records. Keep in mind that the larger the bubble, the higher you may leap while earning points with it. You may unlock additional parts of the game by jumping higher in the clouds.
Note: We have checked for new codes on July 28, 2024.
Bubble Gum Simulator Codes
Here’s a list of all the available and newly published Bubble Gum Simulator redeem codes:
- TwitterRelease – Twitter Dog Code
- FrostPortal – 2x Luck (6 hours)
- 20HourLuck – 2x Luck (20 hours)
- Update78Â – 6x Hatch Speed (20 hours)
- SuperSpooky – 6 hours of 2x Luck
- Update77 – 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
- Update75 – 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed
- 300k – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- 300M – 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- 400m – 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- 600M – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- 2020 – 2x Hatch Speed (4 hours)
- 2hourluck – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- 600MBoost – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- AncientTimes – 3x Shiny Chance (15 minutes)
- AtlantisHats – 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- Autumn – 2x Hatch Speed (5 hours)
- AutumnSale – 2x Luck (5 hours)
- AutumnSale2 – 2x Hatch Speed (5 hours)
- BeachBoost – 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- BGSStream – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- BGSXMAS – 2x Hatch Speed (3 hours)
- BlizzyrdBest – 2x Luck (3 hours)
- BlizzyrdOP – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- BlizzyWizzy – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- BlueCrew – 5,000 Gems
- BriteJuice – 2x Luck (5 minutes)
- BubblePass – 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- Bunny – 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- Candy – 1,000 Candy
- CANDYCANE – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- CandyCanes – 100 Candy Canes
- Carnival – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Carnival2 – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Challenges – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- ChocolateEgg – 3x Shiny Chance (15 minutes)
- Christmas – 5,000 Candy Canes
- Christmas2020 – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- ChristmasBoost – 2x Hatch Speed (4 hours)
- ChristmasHype – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- ChristmasPart2 – 2x Hatch Speed (3 hours)
- CHRISTMASSTREAM – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Circus – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Citrus – 2x Hatch Speed (16 hours)
- Clown – 2x Luck (4 hours)
- Colorful – 3x Shiny Chance (15 minutes)
- Costume – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Cupid – 2x Hatch Speed (4 hours)
- DeeterPlays – 5,000 Blocks
- Easter21 – 2x Luck (6 hours)
- Eeaster2020 – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- EpicSecretCode – 2x Luck (3 hours)
- ExtraLuck – 2x Luck (10 minutes)
- Fancy – 3x Shiny Chance (15 minutes)
- Fancy2 – 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- Fireworks – 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- FREE – 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- FreeBoost – 2x Hatch Speed (30 minutes)
- FreeCoins – 150 Coins
- FreeEgg – Spotted Egg
- FreeHatchSpeed – 2x Hatch Speed (3 hours)
- FreePet – Twitter Dominus
- FreeSpeed – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- FreeSpeedBoost – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Galactic – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Ghosts – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Glitch – 2x Luck (6 hours)
- Halloween – 2x Luck (3 hours)
- HammieIsBadAtRocketLeague – 2x Luck (4 hours)
- HappyEaster – 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- HappyHolidays – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- hiddenvideocode – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- InThePast – 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- JollyChristmas – 2x Luck (6 hours)
- JollyChristmas2 – 2x Hatch Speed (6 hours)
- Jonathan – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- July4th – 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- KingMushGang – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- KingSlimeGang – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Kraken – 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- LostCity – 2x Luck (20 minutes)
- LotsOfGems – 25 Gems
- Luckiest – 2x Luck (6 hours)
- LuckyCode – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- LuckyDay – 2x Luck (30 minutes)
- LuckyDay2 – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- MegaLuckBoost – 2x Luck (12 hours)
- MegaSale – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- MegaSpeedBoost – 2x Hatch Speed (12 hours)
- Merchant – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Meteor – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- MILKANDCOOKIES – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Minime – 2,500 Coins
- MoreCandy – 4,000 Candy
- Mushroom – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Mystic – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Mythic – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Mythical – 3x Shiny Chance (20 minutes)
- MythicStream – 3x Mythic Chance (2 hours)
- NewEgg – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- NewWorld – 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- ObscureEntity – 500 Coins
- Ocean – 2x Luck (20 minutes)
- Part2 – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Pass – 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- pinkarmypet – 5,000 Gems
- Portal – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Poseidon – 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- ReallyFancy – 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- Royalty – 2x Hatch Speed (4 hours)
- RUDOLPH – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- RumbleStream – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Santa – 2,000 Candy Canes
- SANTACLAUS – 2x Hatch Speed (3 hours)
- Season 8 – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Season3 – 2x Luck (3 hours)
- Season7 – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- SecretBoost – 2x Hatch Speed (10 minutes)
- SecretCode – 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- SecretLuckCode – 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- SecretPet – Toy Serpent
- Secrets – 3x Shiny Chance (15 minutes)
- SecretVideoCode – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Shadow – 2x Hatch Speed (6 hours)
- ShinyStream – 3x Shiny Chance (2 hours)
- Sircfenner – Spotted Egg
- sircfenneriscool – 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- sircfennerNoob – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Special – 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- SpeedBoost – 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- SpeedyBoi – 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- Split – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- SpookyCode – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- SpookyHalloween – 2x Hatch Speed (5 hours)
- Spotted – Spotted Egg
- Spring – 2x Hatch Speed (6 hours)
- StPatrickLuck – 2x Luck (6 hours)
- StPatricks – 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- StreamLuck – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- StreamSpeed – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Summer – 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- SuperBeach – 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- SUPERBOOST – 2x Luck (3 hours)
- SuperCoins – 1,000 Coins
- SuperGems – 100 Gems
- SuperLuck – 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- SuperSale – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- SuperSecret – 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- SuperSecretCode – 2x Luck (3 hours)
- superspeed – 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- Sylently – 10,000 Candy Canes
- SylentlyBest – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- SylentlyIsCool – 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- SylentlyOP – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Thanks – 3x Shiny Chance (15 minutes)
- ThankYou – 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- Tofuu – 5,000 Coins
- Tomcat – 2x Hatch Speed (5 minutes)
- TrickOrTreat – 2x Hatch Speed (3 hours)
- Twiisted – 5,000 Gems
- UltraSpeed – 2x Hatch Speed (15 minutes)
- UncleSam – 3x Shiny Chance (15 minutes)
- UnderTheSea – 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- Update16 – 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- Update21 – 2x Luck (15 minutes)
- Update45 – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Update46 – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Update47 – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Update48 – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Update49 – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Update50 – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Update51 – 2x Luck (6 hours)
- Update52 – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Update53 – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Update54 – 2x Luck (6 hours)
- Update55 – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Update57 – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Update58 – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Update59 – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Update60 – 2x Luck (16 hours)
- Update61 – 2x Luck (5 hours)
- Update63 – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Update64 – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Update65 – 2x Luck (2 hours)
- Update67 – 2x Luck (3 hours)
- Update68 – 2x Luck (4 hours)
- Update70 – 2x Luck (4 hours)
- Update71 – 2x Luck (6 hours)
- Update72 – 2x Hatch Speed (6 hours)
- Update73 – 2x Hatch Speed (6 hours)
- Update74 – 2x Hatch Speed (6 hours)
- Update75 – 2x Hatch Speed (6 hours)
- Vacation – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Valentine – 2x Hatch Speed (6 hours)
- Valentines – 2x Luck (4 hours)
- Vine – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- Youtube – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
- YouTubeLuck – 2x Luck (3 hours)
- YouTubeSpeed – 2x Hatch Speed (2 hours)
Expired Codes
- FreeDominusPet
- TwitchRelease
- TwitterRelease
- Golemite
- FrostEgg
How to Redeem Bubble Gum Simulator Codes

If you don’t know how to redeem codes in Bubble Gum Simulator Codes, simply follow the steps given below:
- Firstly, launch your game.
- Tap on the “Codes” option in the left corner of the home screen.
- Copy a code as it appears in the list we gave.
- Simply paste it into the text box labeled “Code here”.
- Now, hit “Enter” and enjoy your free rewards.

How to Get More Codes for Free?
You can find more information on Bubble Gum Simulator by following the developer on Twitter, joining their Discord server, and following Rumble Studios on Twitch. As soon as new codes become available, we’ll let you know about them. It would be best if you used them as quickly as possible because you never know when they’ll run out.