Here is all you need to know about the best build for Iron Valiant for Tera Raids in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Join the new Tera Raids with your Terastal Pokemon. All you have to do is, Terastallized your ferocious but cute pocket monsters to be in this raid.
Iron Valiant is an exclusive Pokemon of Violet. However, you might still get hand on this Fairy/ Fighting monster. Even though it lacks in HP, it has filled that gap in Speed and Attack.
Now, this Violet-exclusive Pokemon will be looking for a build that focuses on offensive play rather than holding back. Moreover, its variety of different moveset can be a great choice if you want something to experiment with.
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Best Iron Valiant Build for Tera Raids
The Attacking and the Tank build will focus on facing Dragon, Dark, and Fighting type Pokemon. Now, if you excuse us, we might get into some real deal. Let’s jump into these builds.
Physical Attacking Build
- Tera Type: Fighting
- Nature: Adamant (More Attack, Less Defense)
- EV Spread:
HP = 252
Attack = 252
Defense= 4 - Ability
Quark Drive = If Electric Terrain is active or if it’s holding Booster Energy, and the stat is Attack, Defense, and Special Attack, Iron Hand’s highest stat is boosted by 30%. Moreover, the boosting can be up to 50% if the stat is Speed. - Held Item
Lum Berry = Heals Iron Valiant’s status conditions in battle. - Moveset
Drain Punch = Iron Valiant recovers half the damage inflicted as HP.
Swords Dance = Increases Iron Valiant’s Attack by two stages.
Spirit Break = Lowers foe’s Special Attack by one stage.
Misty Terrain = Protects Iron Valiant on the ground from status conditions and halves damage from Dragon-type moves for five turns.
Tank Build
- Tera Type: Fairy
- Nature: Modest (More Special Attack, Less Attack)
- EV Spread:
HP = 252
Special Attack = 252
Special Defense= 4 - Ability
Quark Drive = If Electric Terrain is active or if it’s holding Booster Energy, and the stat is Attack, Defense, and Special Attack, Iron Hand’s highest stat is boosted by 30%. Moreover, the boosting can be up to 50% if the stat is Speed. - Held Item
Booster Energy = Activates the Protosynthesis or Quark Drive Ability of a Paradox Pokemon which boosts its highest stat. - Moveset
Aura Sphere = Unmissable attack.
Calm Mind = Increases both the Special Attack and Special Defense stat of Iron Valiant by one stage.
Spirit Break = Lowers foe’s Special Attack by one stage.
Psyshock = Inflicts physical damage.
And this is all I had for the best Tera build for Iron Valiant in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Until next time!
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