Electric Gym is another Gym that you will have to beat in the game’s main story, and the adventure of this part is far more exciting. This guide will show you how to beat Electric Gym in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
A fascinating Pokémon game is Scarlet and Violet, which just came out. Get every Pokemon by assembling a team. Uva and Naranja Academy offers players the chance to develop their academic abilities. Tera Raids, Pokemon evolution that has been stopped or resumed, and other activities can all be done to get rewards. In this game, you will find different storylines, and one of the main storylines is Victory Road Walkthrough.
In this storyline, you will be asked to conquer certain tasks, beat different Gyms, and gather the Gym Badges to advance your gameplay. One of the Gyms to beat in this storyline is Electric Gym, also known as Levincia Gym. Like Grass Gym, you will have to get to this place, do the test, and then beat the Gym Leader to beat Electric Gym finally.
Read More: Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: How to Stop Evolution
How to Beat Electric Gym
You must get to this Gym to beat it. To get to Levincia Gym, you must;
Visit: North of Artazon
After you have finally beaten the Grass Gym and now you are going for the Electric Gym to beat, go to the North of Artazon, and you will see yellow and blue lights in the sky from that place. Follow the light, and you will find this area.

Go South
When you have entered the city, you must go to the South to find Electric Gym.
After that, you will have to take the Gym Test, defeat Gym Trainers, and finally, the Gym leader. To do that, you must;
Talk To The Receptionist
Get into the Levincia Gym and talk to the Receptionist. The NPC will tell you to take a test which is an easy game. To start the test, go outside the Gym, and Lono, the Gym Leader, will show you his place.
You will have to play “Where’s Wally?“. This is a game where you will have to find Mister Walksabout in 3 pictures thrice.
Defeat Gym Trainers
After you have found Mister Walksabout for the first time, you will have to fight and defeat a Gym Trainer with Luxio. You should have any Ground Type Pokemon like Nacli or Klawff to defeat him.

Then, you must find Mister Walksabout a second time to defeat the second Gym Trainer, who may have a Flaaffy type of Pokemon with Level 22. Defeat the second one as well.
Finally, you will have to find Mister Walksabout for the third time, and after that, your test will be done. After your test, go to the same Receptionist at the Gym.
Defeat Lono
Lono is the Gym Leader. Lono is a powerful Gym Leader who has Mismagius with her. To defeat her, you must have Ice, Rock, and Ground-type Pokemon with you, such as; Oinkolonge, Klawff, etc.
After you have defeated the Electric Gym Leader, you will get the Badge, Electric Blade, and Volt Switch TM048.
This is how to beat Electric Gym in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
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