To get the Water Badge to go forward in your gameplay, you will need to beat Water Gym. This guide will show you how to beat Water Gym in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
The recently released Pokémon game Scarlet and Violet is an intriguing one. Players can develop their academic skills at Uva and Naranja Academy. With the game’s primary plot, you can engage in Tera Raids, Combats, amass Gym Badges, and strong Trailblaze. This game has many different kinds of gyms, including Water Gym, Electric Gyms, and Grass Gym.
Water Gym is another in the game’s main storyline: Victory Road Walkthrough. This Water Gym is also called Cascarrafa Gym. The Water Gym looks heavenly with beautiful watery fountains. If you beat Water Gym, you will be able to get the Water Badge.
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How To Beat Water Gym
Like Grass Gym and Electric Gym, you will have to get to this place, do the test, and then beat the Gym Leader to beat Water Gym finally.
To get to Cascarrafa Gym, you must;
Go North of Cortondo
If you have visited the Bug Gym of Cortondo, go straight North from there to get to Asado Desert. That is the place where you will find the Water Gym.

Visit the Southeast Part of the Asado Desert, and you may encounter Team Star Base. After going a little further in that direction, you will see a city. Get into the city, and there you will find Cascarrafa Gym.

Chase Kofu
When you go in front of the Gym, you will notice Kofu running away from town, leaving his wallet behind. The Receptionist will tell you to get Kofu in the city back again.
You will chase Kofu and get to Porto Marinada. Once you get into that place, you’ll see a market and an NPC. After that, that NPC’s assistant, a Gym Trainer, will get into combat with you. The Gym Trainer has Floatzel and Clauncher (Level 28) with him. You can easily beat this Gym Trainer with your Electric-type of Pokemon and give Kofu his wallet back.
After that, you will have to take the Gym Test and defeat the Gym leader. To do that, you must;
Gym Test
The Gym Test is “Make The Winning Bid At The Auction.” You will have to bid perfectly on the Wakame Seaweed, a rare item that Kofu wants. You will get 50000 Poke Dollars from Kofu, and when the Auction starts, do the bidding perfectly and win.
After that, your test will be done, and go back to the Cascarrafa Gym and talk to the Receptionist.
Defeat Gym Leader
After you are done with your Gym Test, get ready to beat the Gym Leader, Kofu, who has all water-type Pokemon with him. You can easily beat him with Grass-type or Electric-type Pokemon like Pikachu, Pawmo, etc.
After beating the Gym Leader, you will get the Water Badge and Chilling Water TM022.
This is how to beat Water Gym in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
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