Rainbow Six Siege’s OG operator Recruit has finally been revamped, with Ubisoft introducing them as two new operators Striker and Sentry.
Rainbow Six Siege, Ubisoft’s AAA competitive FPS shooter, has experienced tremendous growth throughout the years since its launch in 2015. With the help of Jynxzi, the game received a huge boost in popularity in 2024, but Ubisoft failed to keep that up with the launch of Y9S2.
Year 9 Season 2 of Siege lacks in terms of new content, and the minor Recruit rework is highlighted as one of the big changes of the latest season. Here’s everything you need to know about the latest Rainbow Six Siege attacker Striker.
How to play Striker?

Striker is a 2-health 2-armour Attacker, who does not have any unique primary gadget. Instead, she has another ace up his sleeves, which you can find below.
“We earned the right to be here. Now we just have to earn the right to stay”
Rainbow’s Attack Recruits, known as Strikers, are a cornerstone of the institution and despite internal perception, are not a generic monolith of identical soldiers. Generally speaking, they are much more youthful than our experienced Specialists and Operators, but that doesn’t make them any less integral to the smooth running of our missions. Though all of these Recruits hail from the most elite of elite military and counter-terror institutions, they all know that Rainbow is a cut above and treat the organization with the respect and discipline it demands.
Although not full-fledged Operators, many Recruits have gone through trials by fire, like the survivors of Deimos’ attack on Tower. They performed valiantly, collaborating effectively with Vigil to down the helicopter that led the attack and took so many young lives. While this event was tragic, it was also a true test of field composure, leading one such survivor, Ram, to become a Specialist.
Note: While the official operator gender is undefined, Rainbow Six Fandom Wiki cites that “Striker seems to be a British female, while Sentry is an American male” which we used for this article.
Best Weapon Loadout

- Primary Weapon: M4 (Assault Rifle), M249 (Light Machine Gun)
- Secondary Weapon: 5.7 USG (Handgun), ITA12S (Shotgun)
- Gadgets: Hard Breach Charge, Frag Grenade, Claymore, Breach Charge, Smoke Grenade, Stun Grenade, Impact Emp Grenade
Striker has two choices for her primary weapon: the M4 (Maverick’s AR) and the M249 (Capitão and Gridlock’s LMG). Both these guns are quite powerful in their own way, so picking one over the other depends on your playstyle. The M4 is a really good weapon in our eyes, because of its good damage stats (44 HP) and low vertical recoil, but the fire rate of 750 RPM is quite average.
On the other hand, the M249 LMG is a strong contender if you like to pre-fire a lot. In Rainbow Six Siege, it is a good practice to pre-fire common angles or spots to gain an advantage over your opponent. This LMG will assist you in doing so, and at the same time, you would need to reload less, which might save your life when dealing with multiple enemies.
However, I would still recommend picking the M4 over the M249 for a more comfortable experience, and the high fire rate surely helps in landing that one headshot.
Striker also has two options of secondary weapons to choose from: the 5.7 USG pistol and the ITA12S shotgun. Picking the secondary ITA12S shotgun is my recommended pick, as it will allow you to make rotations, break hatches and play vertically.
Striker is unlike any other Siege operator as he does not have a unique gadget of his own. However, he can instead bring two different secondary gadgets, allowing for some unique combination and gameplay.
From the multitude of secondary gadget options for attackers like Hard Breach Charge, Claymore, Frag Grenade, etc, Striker can pick any two. It is important to note that he cannot pick the same gadget twice, so don’t expect to bring two sets of Frag grenades (4x).
While this is similar to how Recruit was previously, now Striker (also Sentry) has access to all the gadget options. This allows for some new, unique Siege gameplay that was not possible below. For example, players can now solo breach reinforced walls by bringing Striker’s Impact Emp grenades and Hard-Breach charge, a huge breakthrough for solo-queue Siege players. There are other combinations that you could try out such as using Claymores to cover yourself while you use soft Breach Charges for vertical plays or clearing anti-projectile defender gadgets using Stun and Frag grenades. These tactics were not possible before, so even if Striker might not have a unique gadget, he brings new ideas into the mix.
How to play Sentry?

Similar to Striker, Sentry is a 2-health 2-armour operator but on the defending side. Sentry also does not have any unique primary ability/gadget, but the combination of the secondary gadgets does create some exciting options.
“We eat, sleep and dream Rainbow during training. And one day, it’ll pay off.”
The current crop of Defense Recruits, also known as Sentries, in Rainbow are undergoing a revamped training regimen and finding their place in an organization that needs their drive, adaptability and resilience. Besides adding bodies to larger-scale defensive missions, Recruits are the foundation of Rainbow. Their ranks may seem faceless and nameless at times, but that won’t last forever, as the organization will often promote from within, drawing a Recruit up into being a Specialist.
Best Weapon Loadout

- Primary Weapon: Commando 9 (Assault Rifle), M870 (Shotgun)
- Secondary Weapon: C75 AUTO (Machine Pistol), Super Shorty (Shotgun)
- Gadgets: Barbed Wire, Bulletproof Camera, Deployable Shield, Observation Blocker, Impact Grenade, Nitro Cell, Proximity Alarm
For his primary weapon, Sentry can either choose between Commando 9 (AR) or the M870 shotgun. Both these weapons are of different types. On one hand, you have the Commando 9 (one of Mozzie’s guns), which is a solid option with good damage, but a moderate rate of fire compared to SMGs in the game.
On the other hand, you have the M870 shotgun (Jager/Bandit Shotgun), which can land a heavy punch in a short distance. However, as it is a shotgun, it will limit your ability to take longer-range gunfights and force you to play in a different style, either very aggressive on roam or holding tight angles on or near objective.
So the recommendation is to use the Commando 9, as it will be more reliable and useful in the majority of rounds, and allow you to play more freely. But the choice is up to you.
As stated earlier, Sentry also doesn’t bring any unique ability. So just like Striker, Sentry can pick any two secondary gadgets but from the defender gadget options (not of the same type). With this operator, you can try out solo strategies and not depend on other teammates, which is a relief for many online Ranked players. Some effective combos include Nitro Cell along with Proximity Alarms, Bulletproof Cameras + Observation Blockers, and more.
To elaborate on the ‘solo way’ to get some easy kills, you can place Proximity Alarms near windows and take down Attackers vaulting in using a Nitro Cell pre-placed below. The proximity alarm will give off a sound, or you can even see the points notification of the alarm turning on, and blow the Attacker at that moment for an easy kill.
Should you pick Striker and Sentry?
The revamped operators Striker and Sentry are playable now in all playlists, so bringing them makes total sense. These operators are especially useful for Solo plays, as coordination is not the best in the lower ranks of Rainbow Six Siege.
Both Striker and Sentry are unlocked and available to be picked for all players.
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