Everything you need to know about all the legendary skins in League of Legends.
Since League of Legends was released more than a decade ago, it has so many unique skins. Moreover, these skins are divided into different categories depending on their quality and what they provide. And the second most sought-after tier skins are the legendary skins.
Legendary skins are very similar to ultimate skins. Just like ultimate skins, legendary skins also completely overhaul a champion’s visual to the point where they are sometimes unrecognizable. However, the only difference between them is that ultimate skins provide unique gimmicks, except for Soul Fighter Samira, which is a completely different story.
Initially, Riot Games first introduced legendary skins in League of Legends with the Gentleman Cho’Gath skin back in 2010. Since then, legendary skins have improved to the point where sometimes they rival even the ultimate skins. With that said, here’s every legendary skin in League of Legends up to this point.
If you want to buy a Legendary skin in League of Legends, you will have to spend 1820 RP, and that’s about $15 for one skin.
Legendary Skins in 2023
Compared to the prior season, in 2023, we got 10 different skins. Here’s all of them,
Winterblessed Senna

- Release Date: December 6, 2023
Winterblessed Senna is the last legendary skin that we received in 2023. This takes place in the Winterblessed universe that debuted the year prior.
As for quality, the Winterblessed Senna is well-made. Even though the visual effects are gorgeous, there are no visual clutters. The animations are also fluent and smooth. Therefore, if you are looking for a Senna skin, you should consider Winterblessed Senna.
Heartsteel Kayn

- Release Date: November 8, 2023
Heartsteel Kayn is the second legendary skin for Kayn. And it is unique compared to his previous legendary Odyssey Kayn. Moreover, instead of Rhaast being a completely different entity from Heartsteel Kayn, Rhaast is only his alter ego. That’s why you even hear him when you are in Shadow Assassin form. And the maniacal voice is just amazing.
If you don’t own Odyssey Kayn already, you should look at Heartsteel as well.
Coven Nami

- Release Date: October 11, 2023
While everyone thought we were getting Coven Syndra, Riot surprised everyone by releasing Coven Nami. But even so, being Nami’s first legendary, this is an amazing skin.
This skin makes turns Nami into a complete villain and changes her fishtail into tentacles. The best part is that the secret animation references the Squidward dance from Spongebob. If you are a Support main, then this is one of the must-have skins.
Immortal Journey Soraka

- Release Date: August 16, 2023
Immortal Journey Soraka is Soraka’s second unique legendary skin if you count Dawnbringer and Nightbringer as the same skin. And people have mixed feelings about this skin. Firstly, the overall animations and vibe the skin gives is sub par compared to the previous Soraka legendaries, Dawnbringer and Nightbringer. But, if you take a look at the VFX, you can see how much Riot has improved its production since the release of her previous legendary skins.
Overall, if you already own either the Dawnbringer or Nightbringer skins, then Immortal Journey Soraka is not worth it whatsoever. However, if you don’t own them already, then the Immortal Journey is a good option.
Soul Fighter Viego

- Release Date: August 3, 2023
Similar to the prior season’s summer event, in season 13 we also got two high rarity skins as well. But one of them was an ultimate skin, and the other one was the legendary Soul Fighter Viego.
This is one of the best legendary skins we have received in League of Legends thus far. The sheer quality of this skin is top-notch. This legendary skin was way better than the ultimate skin that they released 2 weeks earlier, Soul Fighter Samira. The VFX, the animations, the sound, everything is amazing.
Inkshadow Master Yi

- Release Date: May 3, 2023
Inkshadow Master Yi is the second legendary skin released for him. Released during the MSI 2023 event, the color scheme looks similar to his first legendary skin Project: Yi. However, due to age, Inkshadow Master Yi has far more superior skin compared to his previous one.
Faerie Queen Karma

- Release Date: March 23, 2023
Initially showcased in the season 13 dev log, Faerie Queen Karma was released just around the right time. During that time, enchanters started getting picked more and more in solo queues, compared to previous patches.
While it may be controversial, Faerie Queen Karma doesn’t seem unique enough. It is not a bad skin, all things considered, but besides the animations and VFX, it is identical to one of her other epic skins. Even so, Faerie Queen Karma is still her best skin.
Broken Covenant Riven

- Release Date: March 9, 2023
Not only was Broken Covenant the first original skin line of the year, but it was also Riven’s first legendary skin. In terms of aesthetics and vibe, Broken Covenant Riven is one of the nicest skins to play with. Moreover, even with the effects, the gameplay clarity was still decent. If you are still one of the few remaining Riven mains, then you need to try out this skin.
Mythmaker Irelia

- Release Date: January 12, 2023
The first legendary skin we received in 2023 was Mythmaker Irelia. And initially, this skin was horrible due to one major bug. And that was, all of her animation was slowed, including her auto attacks. Thus, due to it, players couldn’t even get their last hit properly.
Although, after it was fixed, it is now a decent skin.
Legendary Skins in 2022
Even though we barely received any content within the game, we still got around 147 skins. Among them, only 8 of them were legendary. Here are all of them:
Winterblessed Diana

- Release Date: December 08, 2022
Winterblessed Diana is not only Diana’s first legendary skin, but also one of the best winter-themed skins in general in League of Legends.
Winterlbessed Diana offers new animations, effects, and even a new gimmick. After you get a penta kill, the map transforms into the winter Summoner’s Rift. This begs the question of why Riot doesn’t bring it back into the core game. I guess we will never know.
Space Groove Teemo

- Release Date: November 17, 2022
Out of nowhere, the Space Groove skins returned at the end of 2022. Space Groove Teemo was released around that point. Even though the OG players will disagree, Space Groove Teemo is the best skin in his arsenal by far.
Empyrean Pyke

- Release Date: November 3, 2022
Empyrean Pyke is the second legendary skin for Pyke, but it is not even close to becoming the best Pyke skin. Unsurprisingly, the best Pyke skin in the game is the mythic Ashen Knight Pyke. But it is still Pyke’s second-best skin and his best easy-to-access skin.
The SFX and the new voice over is top-notch. Moreover, each kill you get with your ultimate triggers unique music. If you get a penta kill, the Fire for the Fuse music by Jackson Wang will play, which is a nice touch.
Spirit Blossom Sett

- Release Date: October 6, 2022
After the long-awaited return of one of the beloved League of Legends skin lines, Spirit Blossom, we got the second legendary skin from this universe, Spirit Blossom Sett.
The lore is not too different from his cannon one. He is part of the mixed race, and now he is seeking his father for retribution. Even though the VFX of this skin is over the top, the quality just makes up for it.
Star Guardian Akali

- Release Date: July 28, 2022
Released 2 weeks after Star Guardian Kai’Sa, Star Guardian Akali is the second legendary skin that we received during the Star Guardian 2022 event. For being a popular champion, Riot took a long time to release Akali’s first legendary skin. And for being her first legendary skin, it doesn’t miss any mark.
Overall, if you main Akali, then this needs to be your main skin. Furthermore, lore-wise, this skin is connected to the next skin we will talk about, Star Guardian Kai’Sa.
Star Guardian Kai’Sa

- Release Date: July 14, 2022
Star Guardian Kai’Sa is the first legendary skin released during the Star Guardian 2022 event. While the event itself was extremely mediocre, the skins were top-notch. Likewise, Star Guardian Kai’Sa is a really good cosmetic.
For being Kai’Sa’s first legendary skin, it is impressively well made. And lore-wise, it is connected to Star Guardian Akali. Moreover, similarly to Akali, if you main Kai’Sa then Star Guardian is the best skin for you.
High Noon Leona

- Release Date: May 12, 2022
High Noon Leona is technically Leona’s third legendary skin. But if you count Lunar and Solar Eclipse as one skin, then High Noon is the second legendary skin for Leona.
In terms of quality, it depends from player to player. For some, they might prefer the Eclipse skins, and others will love the newer High Noon Leona. Overall, it is a solid addition.
Solar Eclipse Sivir

- Release Date: April 28, 2023
Solar Eclipse Sivir is the newest legendary edition to the Solar Eclipse line-up. Around this time around, they released some of the best Eclipse skins that we have seen up to date. Some of them include Sun Eater Kayle, Solar Eclipse Sejuani, Lunar Eclipse Aatrox, etc.
As for the Solar Eclipse Sivir skin, it is by far the best Sivir skin in the game. Especially thanks to the new fluent animation, it makes hitting your opponents more satisfying.
Battle Bunny Miss Fortune

- Release Date: March 31, 2022
For being such an old and highly picked champion, surprisingly, Miss Fortune didn’t have a legendary skin before Battle Bunny. However, she did have a legendary skin in the form of Gun Goddess Miss Fortune.
With that said, Battle Bunny Miss Fortune is one of her best skins, right after the ultimate one.
Porcelain Ezreal

- Release Date: January 21, 2022
Porcelain Ezreal’s skin was done in collaboration with famous artist Jay Chou. Porcelain Protector Ezreal’s dance includes snippets of Jay Chou’s song “Blue and White Porcelain.” Besides, his aminations also resemble the Year of the Tiger.
Legendary Skins in 2021
11 Legendary skins were released in League of Legends 2021. Here are all the Legendary skins released in LoL 2021:
Debonair Zed

- Release Date: December 9, 2021
Debonair Zed is part of the fan-voted Debonair 2.0 skin line. Debonair Zed is going to make its debut in the Summoner’s Rift along with Master Yi, Malzahar, Leona, Leblanc, Draven, and Brand in the last event of 2021, the Debonair event.
Debonair Zed has to have the coolest drip out of any of his past skins. Moreover, his shadow animations also look and feel much better than his other skins.
Truth Dragon Yasuo

- Release Date: October 21, 2021
Truth Dragon Yasuo is another legendary skin released as a part of the Dragonmancer 2021 skin line. While Dream Dragon Yasuo has a purple skin tone, Truth Dragon Yasuo has a yellow hue.
One thing that gives Truth Dragon Yasuo a slight advantage over Dream Dragon Yasuo is that when pressing his ultimate, Truth Dragon Yasuo straight up turns into Super Saiyan Goku. And just for that one reason, you should choose Truth Dragon Yasuo over Dream Dragon Yasuo.
Dream Dragon Yasuo

- Release Date: October 21, 2021
Dream Dragon Yasuo is part of the popular Dragonmancer skin line. And in that event, he not only had one but two legendary skins. Dream Dragon Yasuo is full of purple, and if purple is your color, this is just the right skin for you.
Dawnbringer Yone

- Release Date: September 23, 2021
Based on his splash art, he seems to have both Dawnbringer and Nightbringer swords. However, Riot confirmed that he joined Dawnbringer which is the opposite of his brother, Yasuo, who has the Nightbringer skin.
Skin Bio:
“Prophecy dictates that the gods will destroy each other, ushering in the end of creation itself- but Yone is determined to defy fate. A half-mortal, half-god born of the clash between chaos and order, Yone wields the power of both night and dawn. He must rally his brethren, bring peace to the gods… or they will all perish.”
Coven Evelynn

- Release Date: August 12, 2021
Evelynn has some of the hottest skins in League of Legends, and this Coven Evelynn skin raises the bar to a whole new level. Both her base and demon look utterly gorgeous with those dragon-shaped creatures on her back.
Sentinel Graves

- Release Date: July 22, 2021
Sentinel Graves was part of the second part of the Sentinels of Light event, where he joined the crew to help take down Viego, The Ruined King. Sentinel Graves has a similar look and feel to Sentinel Vayne.
Sentinel Graves has two slightly different VFX kits. In the early game, the Black Mist is everywhere and can be seen around his Sentinel of Light energy. However, after reaching level 11, the Black Mist disappears, and his Light shines brightly, uncorrupted.
Sentinel Vayne

- Release Date: July 8, 2021
Sentinel Vayne was part of the biggest event of the year, the Sentinels of Light 2021 event. Sentinel Vayne has her iconic red glasses combined with a Sentinel-themed white cloak, and her animations feel much smoother as well. Many believe it is way better than Project Vayne and one of the best Vayne skins in League of Legends.
PROJECT: Mordekaiser
- Release Date: May 27, 2021
PROJECT Mordekaiser has a red and silver hue that perfectly matches Mordekaiser’s model. For this Mordekaiser’s legendary skin, Riot went to a whole new level as based on animation and look PROJECT Mordekaiser has to have the best ultimate among any other legendary skins in League of Legends. And according to many, this might also be one of the best Mordekaiser skins as well.
PROJECT: Renekton
- Release Date: May 27, 2021
Both the PROJECT Mordekaiser and Renekton skin were released on the same day and patch during the PROJECT 2021 event.
While PROJECT Mordekaiser’s skin has a silver and red hue, PROJECT Renekton’s skin tone is silver and orange. Just from the splash art alone, it seems Renekton is a cyborg creature who is ready to destroy all of his enemies.
The waking animation on this skin feels different than any other Renekton skin. Moreover, in-game, his W animation also looks different. But overall, this is one of the best Renekton skins, for sure.
Space Groove Blitz & Crank
- Release Date: April 1, 2021
Space Groove Blitz & Crank was released during the Space Groove event. And here’s the skin bio:
“Blitz and Crank are Cat Planet’s fiercest warriors and work together seamlessly (mostly) to pilot their mech, Blitzcrank. While Crank believes that he can overcome his lack of rhythm with the help of his exuberant copilot, Blitz is… well… he’s busy dancing to his own beat. Together, they plan to take over Dog Planet and claim its sunbeams for themselves.”
Battle Academia Caitlyn
- Release Date: March 18, 2021.
Battle Academia Caitlyn skin bio:
“A feared and respected second year, head of the Luminary Club, and class president of Labrys God-Weapon Academy. Caitlyn enrolled herself in the famously troubled school specifically to whip the delinquents there into prime fighting shape, hoping to one day become the greatest battlefield general in history. With her perfect record, she’s not too far off.”
Legendary Skins Before 2021
Here is the full list of Legendary skins that have been released before 2021 in League of Legends by release date (from old to new):
Gentleman Cho’Gath

Corporate Mundo


Nunu & Willump Bot

Demonblade Tryndamere

Surprise Party Fiddlesticks

Blood Lord Vladimir

Gatekeeper Galio

Battlecast Prime Cho’Gath

Eternum Nocturne

Aether Wing Kayle
Blackfrost Anivia

Forecast Janna

Infernal Nasus

Super Galaxy Rumble

Primetime Draven

Final Boss Veigar

Dunkmaster Darius

Battlecast Alpha Skarner

Omega Squad Teemo


Dragon Trainer Tristana

Mecha Zero Sion

Dark Star Thresh


Star Guardian Jinx

God Fist Lee Sin

Pulsefire Caitlyn

Nightbringer Yasuo

Dawnbringer Riven

Star Guardian Ahri


God-King Garen

God-King Darius

High Noon Lucian

Odyssey Kayn

Dragon Trainer Heimerdinger

Lunar Eclipse Leona

Solar Eclipse Leona

Galaxy Slayer Zed

Battle Academia Ezreal

Dark Cosmic Jhin


Star Guardian Xayah & Rakan

High Noon Ashe

True Damage Ekko

Dawnbringer and Nightbringer Soraka

Mecha Kingdoms Jax

Dark Cosmic Lux

Cosmic Lux

Coven Morgana

High Noon Senna

Spirit Blossom Thresh

Spirit Blossom Ahri
PsyOps Sona

Storm Dragon Lee Sin

Battle Queen Katarina