What has changed in Apex Legends that forced 4 out of 5 people to leave negative reviews on Steam?
If you visit Apex Legends’ store page on Steam, you’ll find that 80% of the people in the last 30 days have left negative reviews for this game. As of this writing, 28.2 thousand users have left reviews for Apex Legends on Steam, and among them, 22.5 thousand reviews are negative.
So, what enraged people so much that 80% of the community had to put a thumbs down to Apex Legends in the last 30 days? If you look into the Steam reviews, posts on social media groups, and the Apex Legends subreddit, you can find some common reasons why everyone is upset.

Firstly, Apex Legends has a serious cheater issue. Although it is not new, the number of cheaters has increased dramatically in recent days. Unfortunately, these cheaters aren’t even getting banned, which is ruining other players’ experiences. Many pro players and content creators are quitting the game because of this.
The quality of servers has also degraded. Cases like constant server-side packet loss, hit registration, and frequent crashes are very common concerns for Apex Legends servers. Many have already left the game in recent days for these reasons, which is apparent if you look at the player numbers.
The community was already on the verge of exploding, and the only thing that was stopping them from leaving Apex was its love for the game. However, the recent battle pass changes just made everyone think that Respawn does not care about its community anymore, which led the Apex Legends community to review bomb on Steam.
The lack of communication between the community and developers is a huge downside for Apex Legends. The game may die out if Respawn consistently chooses to ignore the community. Currently, Apex Legends still has Mostly Positive user reviews on Steam, with 861 thousand total reviews. However, the way Apex Legends is moving forward, it may not take very long for the rating to be changed to Mostly Negative.
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