Being such an old champion, Gangplank has quite a lot of skin. So, let’s look at his skins and rank them from worst to best.
Gangplank, The Saltwater Scourge, released in 2009, is one of the oldest champions in League of Legends. He is a ruthless pirate from the Bilgewater area who formerly ruled Bilgewater’s port city.
Gangplank is a specialty champion with a one-of-a-kind kit. A specialist is a champion who does not fit into any of Riot’s archetypes, making Gangplank an outlier. Gangplank is also a fighter that scales well into the late game and can team fight and split push. His primary position is in the top lane, although he can also play in the mid-lane.
He is also one of the champions with the highest skill ceiling in the game, making him a popular choice among talented players and those looking to show off their abilities. That said, Gangplank is now one of the best champions in the meta, so now would be an excellent time to pick him up.
11. Minuteman Gangplank

- Release Date: July 3rd, 2010
- Price: 520 RP
- Chroma: None
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
Minuteman Gangplank is a very old Gangplank skin, and its age shows. It is a 520 RP with a new model and some VFX/SFX effects. Aside from that, there isn’t much to say about this skin.
10. Sailor Gangplank

- Release Date: January 10th, 2011
- Price: 750 RP
- Chroma: None
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
With Sailor Gangplank, Gangplank appears to be less of a Captain and more of a random sailor. It’s as if you paid to have Gangplank demoted from the captain position. Aside from the model change, there isn’t much difference in terms of animation and effects.
However, if you like marines, you might appreciate the skin.
9. Toy Soldier Gangplank

- Release Date: December 14th, 2011
- Price: 975 RP
- Chroma: None
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Animations
- New Recall Animation
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
Toy Soldier Gangplank, on the other hand, is a highly original concept. Sadly, Riot failed in its implementation, most likely owing to the time it was created. The skin feels too human, rather than the toy that it is.
Aside from that, it’s a nice skin.
8. Sultan Gangplank

- Release Date: November 13th, 2013
- Price: 975 RP
- Chroma: None
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Animations
- New Recall Animation
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
In terms of earlier skins, Sultan Gangplank is arguably one of the better ones. The skin has a sort of Indian and Persian flavor about it, and it has some good-looking effects. It is also reasonably priced.
So, if you want inexpensive but nice skin, try Sultan Gangplank.
7. Spooky Gangplank

- Release Date: March 16th, 2010
- Price: 520 RP
- Chroma: None
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
Despite being just a spooky/translucent variant of the previous Gangplank skin, Spooky Gangplank has a lot of meme potential. Who doesn’t want to go about murdering people like a ghost pirate? Aside from that, the skin doesn’t have anything going for it.
6. Captain Gangplank

- Release Date: August 9th, 2015
- Price: 975 RP
- Chroma: None
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
- Additional Voice Lines
Captain Gangplank was provided to players for free as part of the Gangplank rework in 2015. It’s a skin inspired by the old Gangplank. The skin contains some good SFX/VFX and a great new model. There are also additional voice lines on the skin.
5. Special Forces Gangplank

- Release Date: September 12th, 2012
- Price: 975 RP
- Chroma: None
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Animations
- New Recall Animation
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
Special Forces Gangplank feels like one of those skins that are grounded in reality. Gangplank appears to be a seasoned guerilla warrior, thanks to the model. It features TNT-laced barrels, and the ultimate animation shows a chopper dropping bombs.
So, if you appreciate the army look, you will undoubtedly enjoy this skin.
4. FPX Gangplank

- Release Date: April 30th, 2020
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: 1
FPX Gangplank has a single limited-time chroma.

Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Animations
- New Recall Animation
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
FPX Gangplank was created in honor of Gimgoon’s winning performance as Gangplank in the Worlds 2019.
Although the skin doesn’t seem to match Gangplank thematically, I’ve changed my opinion after playing with it a few times. Unique skins work just as well as skins that are thematically similar to the champion. FPX Gangplank demonstrates the same concept.
The skin boasts one of the nicest effects of any Gangplank skin and some pretty impressive animations.
Overall, this is a really decent skin.
3. Dreadnova Gangplank

- Release Date: January 12th, 2017
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: 6
Empyrean Zed currently has Six chromas, and each chroma costs 290RP. The Rouge version of the Dreadnova Gangplank chroma is an event-exclusive chroma and is not currently available.

Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Animations
- New Recall Animation
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
Dreadnova Gangplank reimagines Gangplank as a fearsome space pirate rather than a traditional seafaring, swashbuckling pirate. Although not a unique concept, Dreadnova Gangplank appears to be a natural progression of Gangplank’s tale.
Dreadnova Gangplank, on the other hand, has some incredibly lovely animation and effects, his particles have been recolored to a blood red, and he wears an eye patch like a pirate.
2. Pool Party Gangplank

- Release Date: August 2nd, 2018
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: 6

Pool Party Gangplank currently has Six chromas, and each chroma costs 290RP. The Ruby version of the Pool Party Gangplank chroma can be obtained by purchasing the Pool Party Gangplank chroma bundle.
Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Animations
- New Recall Animation
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
Pool Party Gangplank, like other Pool Party skins, is really well-made. The effects and animations in Pool Party Gangplank are excellent. The skin also features some fantastic model work, such as changing his sword to a spatula and replacing his rifle with a water cannon.
Unlike his other serious skins, this one makes Gangplank appear more laid-back. This may put many people off, but if you can get beyond it, it is a beautiful skin.
1. Gangplank the Betrayer

- Release Date: May 5th, 2022
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: 8
Gangplank the Betrayer currently has Eight chromas, and each chroma costs 290RP. The Ruby version of the Gangplank the Betrayer chroma can be obtained by purchasing the Gangplank the Betrayer chroma bundle.

Before we dive deeper into the skin, let us look at the skin’s features first.
- New Model
- New Animations
- New Recall Animation
- New Sound Effects
- New Visual Effects
Out of all the Gangplank skins, this one has the best model. The skin features excellent effects as well as some beautiful chromas.
Overall, this is a must-have for any Gangplank fan.