Riot has unveiled the upcoming ultimate skin, Soul Fighter Samira, which will release on patch 13.14.
There are many kinds of cosmetics in League of Legends. And the most desired one is the champion skins. On top of that, within champion skins, there are various tiers. Each tier offers skins that are unique from others. Not only that, each tier has different pricing as well. Additionally, the most expensive and the most sought-after tier is the ultimate rarity.
An ultimate skin offers the most out of all skins in the game. It has a completely unique model, overhauled animations, extra VFX, SFX, new voiceovers, and unique gimmicks. Initially, in 2012, Pulsefire Ezreal was the first ultimate skin released in League of Legends. And in 2020, Riot released the last ultimate skin in the form of K/DA Seraphine. Afterward, they did not reveal any information about upcoming ultimate skins, let alone release one.
But while revealing information about the summer event, Riot confirmed that Samira would receive an Ultimate skin. And recently, Riot has fully revealed the ultimate skin, Soul Fighter Samira.
For what new gimmick this skin offers, it has a completely unique UI for Samira’s combo meter. Not only that, the animations for this skin are very clean. Like all the newest legendary options, this ultimate also has a penta-kill animation. However, many players are concerned that this skin doesn’t offer enough as other ultimate skins. But for now, we have to wait and see.
Read more: Is Ultimate Samira Skin Worth It?
Soul Fighter Samira
Splash Art

Soul Fighter Samira Price
Like other ultimate skins, Soul Fighter Samira will cost 3250 RP.
Release Date
The Soul Fighter skin line will hit live servers on patch 13.14, scheduled to release on Thursday, July 20, 2023.